Packages, modules, distributions, and namespaces in Perl
Seasoned Perl developers freely use words such as package, module, distribution, symbol-table, release, and namespace. Sometimes interchangeably. Sometimes slightly blurring the differences between the words. This can easily create confusion. Especially among people who have less than 10 years experience with Perl.
Let's try to clear that confusion.
Quick explanation:
- release usually refers to a zipped file (tar.gz or zip) file uploaded to CPAN (via PAUSE) for example: Some-Thing-1.01.ta.gz
- distribution sometimes refers to the same thing as a release, in other cases it can refer to all the Some-Thing releases, regardless of their version number.
- namespace is a container of identifiers (variables, functions). A namespace would be Some::Thing.
- symbol-table is the place where the identifier of a namespace are stored. Basically we can think of a symbol-table as being equivalent to namespace.
- package is a keyword of Perl that switches to a new namespace. Sometimes people refer to a particular release or a distribution as being a package, but that only happens because when we zip up several files of a release we often think about the English word package.
- module is the name of a package (namespace) that is kept in a file derived from its name. (a package/namespace called Some::Thing kept in a file called Some/ is called a module. Unfortunately when we say "module" we often refer to a whole distribution.
Every piece of Perl code is in a namespace. When we run a simple script like this:
use warnings; $x = 2; $
We will get a warning Name "main::x" used only once: possible typo at ... line ....
The main in that warning is the namespace of the current script and thus the current variables. It is there implicitly. We did not need to write anything and we were already in the main namespace.
Of course we know we should always use strict, and so we add it to the code:
use strict; use warnings; $x = 2;
Now we get the following error: Global symbol "$x" requires explicit package name at ... line .... Here the error mentioned the word package. This error usually indicates that we forgot to declare the variable with my, but the actual error message indicates something else. For historical reasons, the error points out another way to use a variable: by providing the name of the package (the namespace) it resides in.
This works:
use strict; use warnings; $main::x = 42; print "$main::x\n"; # 42
use strict; use warnings; my $x = 23; $main::x = 42; print "$main::x\n"; # 42 print "$x\n"; # 23
This is very confusing. There are now two variables that seem to be called $x, but they are actually two different variables. $main:x is a package variable and $x is a lexical variable.
In most cases we will use lexical variables declared with my and use namespaces only to separate functions.
Switching namespace using the package keyword - functions
use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; sub hi { return "main"; } package Foo; sub hi { return "Foo"; } say main::hi(); # main say Foo::hi(); # Foo say hi(); # Foo package main; say main::hi(); # main say Foo::hi(); # Foo say hi(); # main
In this code we used the package keyword to switch from the default main namespace to the Foo namespace. We declared the hi() function in both namespaces. Each function returns the name of its own namespace.
Then we called them x x 3 times. When the full names were provided the output was consistent with the full name of the function: main::hi() always returns "main", and Foo::hi() always returns "Foo". When called hi() without the namespace prefix, it called the function that was local to the current namespace. The first time we called hi() we were in the "Foo" namespace and so it returned "Foo". Then we switched back to the "main" namespace using package main; and then the call to hi() returned "main".
Namespace (package) and modules
While we can use the package keyword as many times as we want in a single file, thus creating lots of namespaces it usually creates confusion. It is not a recommended practice. (Only use it in special cases.)
There is even a Perl::Critic policy called Modules::ProhibitMultiplePackages that can help us catch such cases. Use the following:
$ perlcritic --single-policy Modules::ProhibitMultiplePackages Multiple "package" declarations at line 19, column 1. Limit to one per file. (Severity: 4)
Read more on how to check for one policy violation at a time.
We could move the code of the Foo namespace to a file called and load it using require, but it is very old-school and we will have to give the path to the file. It is much better to put the code of the Foo namespace into a file called
The main script then will look like this:
use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; sub hi { return "main"; } use Foo; say main::hi(); # main say Foo::hi(); # Foo say hi(); # main will look like this:
package Foo; use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; sub hi { return "Foo"; } say main::hi(); # main say Foo::hi(); # Foo say hi(); # Foo 1;
Please note, we added a use Foo; statement to the main script (after the sub hi declaration), we added the usual use-statement to the top of the, and we also added 1; at the end of the file.
The file defining the Foo namespace using the package keyword is called a module.
In order for the use Foo; statement to find the file we have to make sure it is in one of the directories in @INC. The simplest thing is to put in the current working directory, the same directory where we are when we run the script. Otherwise we will get an Can't locate in @INC (you may need to install the Foo module) (@INC contains: ... error and we'll need to change @INC.
In this slightly contrived example the use Foo; statement needs to come after the sub hi declaration in the main script as the call to main::hi() inside will be executed when the file is loaded. If we had the use statement before the sub hi statement we would get a run-time exception:
Undefined subroutine &main::hi called at line 10. Compilation failed in require at line 5. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at line 5.

Published on 2014-02-17