Monitoring the most recent uploads to CPAN
Monitoring the most recent upload to CPAN.
- Recent CPAN releases without a repository in the META files
- Recent releases without a "license" field in the META files
I believe Perl, just as any other Open Source technology can only strive if many people contribute a little-bit. Therefore I've started to create a page, that will help you find some "low hanging fruits". Things that I think can be easy to contribute to. On this page you can find the 100 most recent uploads to CPAN. The first 3 columns give generic information.
Repository - Is there a link to a public Version control system?
The 4th column shows a link to the Public Version Control Repository of the module. If the module does not declare its Public VCS then you'll find a red button. Clicking on that button will lead you to the explanation how to add the link. Of course fist you'll need to find if the module even has a repository. You can usually do that by searching GitHub. You might also look at other modules from the same author (using MetaCPAN). That can lead you to the repository of this module.
Having a Public VCS is a good thing for every Open Source Project. Having it included in the META file makes it easy for people to find it.
- No VCS. Then link to explanation how to start using GitHub.
- Has GitHub link in the 'url' field and also has a 'web' field and a 'type' field. Then this is perfect.
- Has GitHub link in the 'url' or 'web' fields but not like above. Then link to explanation how to improve it.
- Has some other VCS link in the 'url' or 'web' fields. That's ok but nevertheless link to explanation that if it was on GitHub it could use Travis-CI.
Travis-CI provides free continuous integration to Open Source projects on GitHub. The next column is green if the specific distribution has Travis configured. Red if it does not have it configured. Grey if it is not relevant (yet). This could be either because we don't know where is the public version control repository of the project, or because it is not using GitHub. In the former case you'd also see a red button in the previous column. That needs to be fixed before this becomes relevant. If the button is red and says Add!, you can click on it to see the explanation how to configure Travis-CI. You only need to add a file to the repository and send a pull-request.
Authors can declare the license of their module in the META files. If this field is red, the author has not done this yet. Red buttons lead you to the explanation how to add the license information. Talk to the author and send a patch or a GitHub pull-request in order to get this fixed.

Published on 2015-11-24