Replace character by character (transliterate) using tr of Perl
I have not needed this frequently, but if you need to replace a set of characters with another set of characters in a string, there is a better solution than using regexes.
In Perl tr is the transliterator tool that can replace characters by other characters pair-wise.
Simple example
tr looks very similar to the substitution operator, but it behaves in a different way:
use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; my $text = 'abc bad acdf'; say $text; $text =~ tr/a/z/; say $text;
Replaces every a character by z:
abc bad acdf zbc bzd zcdf
More than one character
use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; my $text = 'abc bad acdf'; say $text; $text =~ tr/ab/zx/; say $text;
Replaces every a character by z and every b character by x:
abc bad acdf zxc xzd zcdf
More about tr
y is a synonym of tr available for historical reasons. There are a few modifiers and special cases with tr, that you can read about in the documentation of tr.
When is tr better than a regex?
tr replaces character-by-character while a regex substitution will replace a match with a string. They do different things. So tr is only better if you want to do something else.
BTW you can imitate what tr does using a regex substitution with the following code:
use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; my %map = ( a => 'z', b => 'x', ); my $text = 'abc bad acdf'; say $text; $text =~ s/([ab])/$map{$1}/g; say $text;
Here we have a hash called %map that maps the original string (original character) to the new string (character) and then uses a single global substitution to replace all the occurrences of every "original character" by the corresponding "new character".
Note, that in this solution we actually had to write the list of "original characters" both in the %map and in the regex. In order to avoid that we can have a more generic solution:
use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; my %map = ( a => 'z', b => 'x', ); my $text = 'abc bad acdf'; say $text; my $chars = join '', keys %map; $text =~ s/([$chars])/$map{$1}/g; say $text;
Here we generate the list of characters that we want to replace from the keys of the %map hash.
This will work exactly as the tr works, but then again, why not use a tr if this is what we would like to do?
Gabor...I am very thankful you take the time to teach us. I do not get to use Perl much but every time I do I find myself back reading what you have written to us. Thank you sir!!!
Can i use transliterate fom one start point to another last point.
Lets have the string "blablabla (blablah) ablaabla" and i have to transliterate only the contents of the parentheses. Can i use regex and then tr///.
I wrote this :
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use 5.010;
my $string = 'blablabla (blablah) ablaabla';
if ($string =~ /(\(.*?\))/g) {print $1=~ tr/abcdef/ABCDEF/;}

Published on 2013-11-19