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Namespaces and packages in Perl
Testing PSGI based web applications using Plack::Test
Add META data to a CPAN distribution (Pod::Tree 1.19)
Makefile.PL of ExtUtils::MakeMaker
Calculating bank balance, take two: DBD::CSV
Adding GitHub Actions to Test2::Harness::UI
Build.PL of Module::Build
Enable GitHub Actions for CI on Math::Polynomial::Chebyshev
Exploring BDD in Perl - using Test::BDD::Cucumber
Exploring BDD in Perl - using Test::BDD::Cucumber - part 1
Exploring BDD in Perl - using Test::BDD::Cucumber - part 2
Exploring BDD in Perl - using Test::BDD::Cucumber - part 3
Exploring BDD in Perl - using Test::BDD::Cucumber - part 4
Exploring BDD in Perl - using Test::BDD::Cucumber - part 5 - with Erik Hülsmann
File::Find - video
File::HomeDir - video
File::Spec - video
Fix the documentation of the MetaCPAN::Client
GitHub Actions CI job for Perl Test::Class - checking downstream dependencies as well
Introducing test automation with Test::Simple