Moving over to Test::More
What we saw in the earlier articles and screencasts was an introduction to testing with Perl. We made some nice progress but we kept using Test::Simple which only provides a single ok() function with some additional features.
When a test case succeeds we get a nice ok N printed, but the problem is that even when a test case fails we only get a simple not ok with the title of the test case, if we set one, and the line number. We could get so much more information. That's where Test::More, and later a lot of other testing modules come in.
They allow us to be much more explicit in our testing functions and to get much more detailed error messages than just not ok.
Where to get Test::More ?
Let's start by the simple fact that Test::More lives in the same distribution that contains Test::Simple and that distribution is itself called Test-Simple. Then of course you'll probably be happy to hear that they are also part of every standard Perl distribution, so by virtue of having perl, you should also have both of these modules. (Unless your vendor decided to strip them out.)
Of course the version that is on CPAN is probably newer than the version in your perl distribution, so if you'd like to upgrade it you can do it with the usual tools.
Now let's switch from Test::Simple to Test::More.
Test::More is a drop-in replacement of Test::Simple
The good news is that Test::More is a simple superset of Test::Simple, so you can edit your test scripts, replace ::Simple by ::More and everything will work (or fail) exactly the same way as it did before. Test::More also provides the same ok() function as Test::Simple does.
You can try the following test script:
use strict; use warnings; use lib 'lib'; use MyTools; use Test::More tests => 3; # Test::More instead of Test::Simple ok( sum(1, 1) == 2, '1+1'); ok( sum(2, 2) == 4, '2+2'); ok( sum(2, 2, 2) == 6, '2+2+2');
Running this script provides the following output:
1..3 ok 1 - 1+1 ok 2 - 2+2 not ok 3 - 2+2+2 # Failed test '2+2+2' # at t/31.t line 12. # Looks like you failed 1 test of 3.
We can see that the test where we add 2+2+2 fails, but we cannot see what we were really expecting nor what we actually received. I know, most of us have a fairly good idea what should we expect from 2+2+2, but what if this was a more complex example and not even related to math?
That's where Test::More shines.
The is() function provided by Test::More accepts 3 parameters:
- The actual result
- The expected result
- The name of the test case
It compares the actual result with the expected result using eq. If they are equal, it prints ok. If they are different, it prints not ok, and then it goes on to print the actual result and the expected result. Let's see the above test script rewritten with is():
use strict; use warnings; use lib 'lib'; use MyTools; use Test::More tests => 3; is( sum(1, 1), 2, '1+1' ); is( sum(2, 2), 4, '2+2' ); is( sum(2, 2, 2), 6, '2+2+2' );
And the output from the script:
1..3 ok 1 - 1+1 ok 2 - 2+2 not ok 3 - 2+2+2 # Failed test '2+2+2' # at t/32.t line 11. # got: '4' # expected: '6' # Looks like you failed 1 test of 3.
This will make it much easier for an observer to understand the actual problem behind this test failure.
One minor thing that you might be put-off by is the fact that is() always uses eq. The reason is that in almost every case, even when comparing numbers, the eq() will behave the same as ==. In the rare cases when you really need the numerical comparison of == you can use the cmp_ok function that will be explained later.
There is a negated version of the is() function called isnt(). It has the same syntax, but it will compare the two values using ne. There isn't a lot of use of this, it is quite rare when all the expectations you can have is that something is not equal to some pre-defined value, but actually there is one that might be useful.
Sometimes all you want is to make sure a variable is not equal to undef. See this sample test code:
use strict; use warnings; use Test::More tests => 2; my $x; isnt($x, undef); $x = 1; isnt($x, undef);
Running this script we'll get the following output:
1..2 not ok 1 # Failed test at t/isnt_undef.t line 7. # got: undef # expected: anything else ok 2 # Looks like you failed 1 test of 2.
The first test case fails because we expected a variable not to be undef, but it was.

Published on 2016-04-16