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Setup GitHub Actions for CPAN modules
Github Actions for Perl running on Windows, Mac OSX, and Ubuntu Linux
GitHub Actions CI job for Perl Test::Class - checking downstream dependencies as well
Adding GitHub Actions to Test2::Harness::UI
Add GitHub Actions (CI) to Graphics-Toolkit-Color Perl module
Adding GitHub Actions to Math::Numerical
GitHub Actions for Pinto-Remote-SelfContained
Show error logs on Github Actions - Install developer dependencies first (Test::CSS)
Using GitHub Actions (CI) to locate missing test dependencies in Dist::Zilla::PERLSRVDE
Enable GitHub Actions for CI on Math::Polynomial::Chebyshev
GitHub Actions for CPAN modules
Github Actions for Module::Install and showing error log on Linux, Mac OSX, and Windows
GitHub Actions for Geo::TCX
GitHub Actions for MooX-Role-CachedURL