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Number Guessing game
rand() and int() - video
Moose testing type constraint
Introducing the Perl Tidy GUI project
Enable Travis-CI for Continuous Integration
Split CSV file into multiple small CSV files
Perl::Critic example - lint for Perl
Introduction to Regexes in Perl 5
Variable interpolation - User Input and Output - chomp - video
How to prepare for a Perl job interview?
1: Jeffrey Thalhammer, author of Perl::Critic and Pinto
Getting Started with Perl::Critic (the linter for Perl)
gettext function not found. Please install libintl at Makefile.PL
Accessor with type constraint
Class as type constraint
Classes as constraints in Moose
Don't interpolate in printf (Missing argument in sprintf at ...)
Introducing test automation with Test::Simple
Introduction to the Advanced Perl course
Moose type constraints