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Perl Tutorial
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Comparing scalars in Perl
le - Less than or equal. Comparing values as strings.
ref - What kind of reference is this variable?
Speed up calculation by running in parallel
Simple Database access using Perl DBI and SQL
Getting started testing Perl module with Test2
Basic Authentication without a Challenge
Finish Perl::Critic cleanup, set up Test::Perl::Critic
Skip tests if prerequisites are not installed
How to read an Excel file in Perl
Have exceeded the maximum number of attempts (1000) to open temp file/dir
Analyze Apache log file - video
Solution: display unique rows of a file - video
String functions: length, lc, uc, index, substr
Perl Tk text widget to be used as a console
Traversing a directory tree, finding required files
use Path::Tiny to read and write file
Start using the MetaCPAN API Client to fetch the list of most recently uploaded Perl modules
Caching data using the Cache module
Solution: improve the color selector - check input - video