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Perl Tutorial
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Defining subroutines - video
Functions and Subroutines - video
Passing two arrays to a function
Python Lambda in Perl creating anonymous functions
Returning multiple values or a list from a subroutine in Perl
Subroutines and functions in Perl
The curious case of implicit return
Understanding recursive subroutines - traversing a directory tree
Variable number of parameters in Perl subroutines
Use the same sub as function or as method in Perl
Deep recursion on subroutine
substr outside of string at ...
Moose: coerce value to a subtype
Global substitution with regexes - video
substitution - video
Methods, Functions and Subroutines in Perl and what is $self ?
Creating subroutines on the fly using Symbolic references
String functions: length, lc, uc, index, substr