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How to change @INC to find Perl modules in non-standard locations
How to create a Perl Module for code reuse?
Modulino: both script and module in Perl
What is @INC in Perl?
What is the difference between require and use in Perl? What does import do?
Can't use Net::Appliance::Session inside a thread
7 of the most useful Perl command line options
Three-argument form of open used and it is not available until perl 5.6.
Use the same sub as function or as method in Perl
use Path::Tiny to read and write file
use diagnostic; or use splain
Use of uninitialized value $got in pattern match (m//) at Test/Deep/ line 57.
The 11 Most useful Perl sites
Name "main::x" used only once: possible typo at ...
Refactor the tests to use Test::More (Pod::Tree 1.20)
Send data to Elasticsearch using Perl LWP::UserAgent
How much memory does my Perl application use?
Always use 3-argument open
Don't use $a and $b outside of sort, not even for examples