List authors where the PAUSEID starts with a given letter
So far we've copied the look-and-feel from, added a few static pages, and added the look-and-feel to the 404 page.
update the README file
The next commit was just to improve the content of the README file in the root of the project. It is displayed on the main page of the GitHub project so it should contain information that is useful to potential contributors. I started to describe the development environemt.
Add main authors page
The main authors page looks like a static page, so I add that too taking the same steps as for the feedback page and arriving to this commit.
list authors where the PAUSEID starts with a given letter
As I looked at the central authors page at and clicked on the first letter it turned out to load the same URL, but with a the letter passed after the question mark: This is the part that is usually called the QUERY_STRING
That means these pages will be served by the same entry that serves the main authors page. After all, they have the same path_info. Earlier we had this code in the run method of lib/MetaCPAN/
if ($request->path_info =~ m{^/author/?$}) { return template('author'); }
This is what we are going to change now. (Oh and BTW, the ? at the end of that regular expression is there so it will match both /author and /author/. Nothing to do with he ? that might be in the URL.)
The Plack::Request object we already used to fetch the path_info also provides a method called query_string that will return the whole string after the ? in the URL. Then, if there was nothing in the $query_sting, we can return the main page immediately.
if ($request->path_info =~ m{^/author/?$}) { my $query_string = $request->query_string; return template('author') if not $query_string; }
I checked the real site and found that this URL will disregard any characters provided after the first character and that it serves the list both if the first character was lower-case and when it was upper-case. I don't think this is really a good idea, it would be probably better to have pages with distinctive and unique URLs for each data set. So in the future I thinks any of the pages /authors?ABC, /authors/?a, /authors/?aXz should redirect to a page like /authors/A. For now, let's implement what has.
Retreive the list of authors
The next step was to extract the first character, convert it to upper-case, and retreive the list of authors with a PAUSE ID starting with that charcter. In an attempt to make the code cleaner, I put the code that retreives from the MetaCPAN API into a subroutine called authors_starting_by that will receive the upper-case latter and return a reference to a list with the necessary information.
my $lead = substr $query_string, 0, 1; my $authors = authors_starting_by(uc $lead);
In order to implement the authors_starting_by first I had to research the MetaCPAN API a bit. I got a few interesting requests lined up that I can execute with curl:
curl curl '*&size=10' curl '' curl '*&size=10&fields=name' or maybe use fetch to download and keep the full list locally:*&size=100000 (from )
sub authors_starting_by { my ($char) = @_; my @authors = []; if ($char =~ /[A-Z]/) { eval { my $json = get "$char*&size=5000&fields=name"; my $data = from_json $json; @authors = sort { $a->{id} cmp $b->{id} } map { { id => $_->{_id}, name => $_->{fields}{name} } } @{ $data->{hits}{hits} }; 1; } or do { my $err = $@ // 'Unknown error'; warn $err if $err; }; } return \@authors; }
The JSON data returned by the MetaCPAN API server contains a hash. Two levels deep in that hash (both with the key 'hits') we receive an array of the actual results. From that we extract the '_id' field and the 'name' field that we requested specifically for us. This is probably far from the optimal way to fetch this data, but this worked, and at this point I was more interested in getting something to work that to be optimal. If the applications starts to take shape, I am sure there will be a few other people looking at the code and making suggestions. That one of the advantags of writing Open Source code. Even if others won't look at it, either because of lack of interest or if you work on a similar project which is closed source, you can still revisit the code and make improvements. By that time we'll probably have much better understanding of the API and it will be easier to make improvement.
On the other hand if we try to make this absolutely perfect, we'll be stuck here for quite some time and we'll run out of enthusiasm, or, if this is a closed source project, we might run out of budget.
So we used the map two extract the '_id', and 'name' fields, the latter of which came inside an extra layer of hash with a key 'fields'. Then we took the resultng list of small hashes and sorted them according to their ID. That's how they were presented on the original page on
The eval-block you see here might be strange.
Then came the question, how to turn this list into groups of 4 as they are represented on
Me, being the not sufficiently lazy programmer, decided to convert the array into an array of arrays, where each internal array will contain 4 elements from the original array. It is quite an interesting problem for what there is an excellent solution in List::MoreUtils called natatime. Given a number n and a list, it returns an iterator. For each call, the iterator will return the next n element from the original list until the it is exhausted. That's how we convert our array reference $authors into the array of arrays called @table.
Finally we call the template() function and pass the @table array to the authors key.
The last thing we need here is to add the appropriate code to the template in
Template::Toolkit provides the option to iterate over an array using the FOR ... IN ... construct.
In our case the array, or rather the array reference arrives as the value of the authors key.
Each element represents a row that we need to display, that's why I called the iterator variable 'row'.
That variable itself contains a reference to an array, so internally we use another FOR ... IN ... loop
to iterate over each author (using an unfortunately undescriptive variable called 'a'). Each such variable
is a hash reference representing an author with two fields: and We build
the link from that:
One more thing, you might have noticed. The lines displayed by have alternating color.
The alternation is provided by two class-es: class="s" and class="r"
That's quite easy to create using Template::Toolkit: Inside every FOR-loop we can access
the current index of the loop via the loop.index variable provided by TT. We can then compute the
modulus 2 of that number which will be 0 and 1 alternating. Based on that value we can pick which class
to set for the current row:
That brought us to the next
The template
<table width="100%">
<% FOR row IN authors %>
<tr class="<% IF loop.index % 2 %>s<% ELSE %>r<% END %>">
<% FOR a IN row %>
<a href="/~<% %>/"><b><% %></b></a><br/><small><% %></small>
<% END %>
<% END %>
<a href="/~<% %>/"><b><% %></b></a><br/><small><% %></small>
<tr class="<% IF loop.index % 2 %>s<% ELSE %>r<% END %>">
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "list authors where the PAUSEID starts with a given letter"

Published on 2018-04-17