An extra space can ruin your day
The other day I got request for help finding out why a certain script prints lot of Use of uninitialized value warnings.
For the untrained eyes the warnings were really strange.
The original script that generated the warnings is this:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use warnings; my @maze= ( #creating an array of arrays [ qw( e swe we ws ) ], [ qw( se new sw ns ) ], [ qw( ns - ns n ) ], [ qw( ne w ne w ) ], ); my %direction = (n=> [-1, 0], s=>[1,0], e=>[0, 1], w=>[0, -1]); my %full = (e=> 'East', n=> 'North', w=> 'West', s=> 'South'); my($curr_x, $curr_y, $x, $y) = (0, 0, 3, 3); my $move; sub disp_location { my($cx, $cy) = @_; print "You may move "; while($maze[$cx][$cy] = ~/([nsew])/g) { print "$full{$1} "; } print "($maze[$cx][$cy])\n"; } sub move_to { my($new, $xref, $yref) = @_; $new = substr(lc($new), 0, 1); if ($maze[$$xref][$$yref]!~/$new/) { print "Invalid direction, $new.\n"; return; } $$xref += $direction{$new}[0]; $$yref += $direction{$new}[1]; } until ( $curr_x == $x and $curr_y == $y) { disp_location($curr_x, $curr_y); print "Which way? "; $move =<stdin>; chomp $move; exit if ($move = ~/^q/); move_to($move, \$curr_x, \$curr_y); } print "You made it through the maze!\n";
It generates tons of this triplet:
Use of uninitialized value $_ in pattern match (m//) at line 21. Use of uninitialized value $1 in hash element at line 22. Use of uninitialized value within %full in concatenation (.) or string at line 22.
That looks really strange, especially that $_ is not even used in this script. At least not intentionally. Can you spot the problem?
Simplified example
use strict; use warnings; sub f { my ($txt) = @_; if ($txt = ~/(\d+)/) { print $1; } } f("abc def"); f("abc 123 def");
This will generate the following 4 warnings:
Use of uninitialized value $_ in pattern match (m//) at line 6. Use of uninitialized value $1 in print at line 7. Use of uninitialized value $_ in pattern match (m//) at line 6. Use of uninitialized value $1 in print at line 7.
Did this make it easier to spot the problem?
Let's see what does B::Deparse think.
I ran perl -MO=Deparse,-p and got the following output:
This might help noticing that Perl first applies the ~ operator to /(\d+)/
and then uses = to assign the result to $text.
The problem is that the regex operator was not written correctly. It should be =~
without any spaces between the two characters, but because there was a space, Perl understood
that we wanted to use the ~
the Bitwise operator
on the result of /(\d+)/ applied to the content of $_,
the default variable of Perl.
The thing that my be less well known is that if we have a regex expression such as
/(\d+)/ which is not preceded by the =~ regex operator, then it
is applied to the content of $_. This is a nice default when used properly,
but it can be surprising when it is used by mistake as in this case.
So we had the warning about $_ being uninitialized because it was really
undefined. Actually we were lucky that it
was undefined, otherwise we might get a match on some string that is totally
unrelated to our intention. It is usually much better to get a warning or an error,
than to get get an incorrect value without any notification.
Then the problem keeps growing. After the regex was executed, we apply the
~ bitwise operator to its return value and then the =
will act as an assignment operator and thus the result of ~ is
assigned to the $txt variable replacing its original content.
Then the if checks if this value is some true value.
It usually is, so we enter the block of the if statement where we'll get further
$1 is undefined because there was no match at all and thus we get a warning when we
are trying to use it and then in the original example this triggers a 3rd type of warning.
The solution is to write =~ without any space between the two characters.
Just to show a contrived example in which we set $_ to some unrelated string:
If we run this code, it will print "4242" and won't show any warnings.
If this happens to us we'll really scratch our head, especially because the assignment
to $_ might happen at some code far away from our function, or might even
happen implicitly, without us ever mentioning $_.
In this case we might not even notice the problem, after all we don't get any warning,
until much later as we receive incorrect results.
Space matters.
sub f {
use warnings;
use strict;
(my($txt) = @_);
if (($txt = (~/(\d+)/))) {
use warnings;
use strict;
f('abc def');
f('abc 123 def');
= ~
The solution
The danger of silence
use strict;
use warnings;
sub f {
my ($txt) = @_;
if ($txt = ~/(\d+)/) {
print $1;
f("abc def");
f("abc 123 def");
sub g {
$_ = 'hello 42 world';

Published on 2016-02-18