The 19 most important file-system tools in Perl 5
When writing Perl scripts that need to deal with the file-system, I often need to load a lot of modules. Many of the functions I need are scattered around in separate modules. Some are built-in functions of perl, others are in standard modules coming with perl, yet others need to be installed from CPAN.
Let's go over the 19 most used tools in the kit.
Current path
Often I need to know what is the current directory I am in. The Cwd module has a function with the same name, but with all lowercase letters cwd that will return the current working directory.
use strict; use warnings; use Cwd qw(cwd); print cwd, "\n";
Temporary directory
Often I need to create a bunch of temporary files and I'd like to make sure they are automatically removed when the script finishes. The easiest way is to create a temporary directory using the tempdir function from File::Temp with the CLEANUP option being turned on.
use strict; use warnings; use autodie; use File::Temp qw(tempdir); my $dir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 ); print "$dir\n"; open my $fh, '>', "$dir/some_file.txt"; print $fh "text"; close $fh;
Operating System independent path
While the above code will work on both Linux and Windows, people are used to see back-slashes separating parts of a path on Windows. Besides, this won't work on VMS. I think. That's where the catfile function of File::Spec::Functions comes into play:
use strict; use warnings; use File::Spec::Functions qw(catfile); use File::Temp qw(tempdir); my $dir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 ); print "$dir\n"; print catfile($dir, 'some_file.txt'), "\n";
Try this code. You'll see the name of the temporary directory printed and the file attached to the end.
Changing directory
There often cases when it is easier to first change the working directory to the temporary directory and work there. It can happen a lot when writing tests but in other cases too. For this we can use the built in chdir function.
use strict; use warnings; use autodie; use File::Temp qw(tempdir); use Cwd; my $dir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 ); print cwd, "\n"; chdir $dir; print cwd, "\n"; open my $fh, '>', 'temp.txt'; print $fh, 'text'; close $fh;
That could work well but when File::Temp will try to remove the directory, we are still "in it" as we have changed the working directory to it.
For example I got the following error message:
cannot remove path when cwd is /tmp/P3DZP_rmqg for /tmp/P3DZP_rmqg:
In order to avoid that I usually save the path returned by cwd before I change the directory and at the end I call chdir again:
my $original = cwd; ... chdir $original;
There is still a slight problem with this though. What happens if I have to call exit() in the middle of the script or if something throws an exception that terminates the script before it reaches the chdir $original.
Perl has a solution for us, wrapping the last chdir in an END block. This will ensure, that the code is executed no matter when and how we exit the script.
my $original = cwd; ... END { chdir $original; }
Relative path
When writing a project that has multiple files (e.g. one ore more scripts, some modules, maybe some templates) and I don't want to "install" them, the best directory layout is to make sure everything is in a fixed place relative to the scripts.
So usually I have a project directory in which there is a subdirectory for scripts, one for modules (lib) , one for templates etc.:
project/ scripts/ lib/ templates/
How can I make sure the scripts will find the templates? For this I have several solutions:
use strict; use warnings; use autodie; use FindBin qw($Bin); use File::Basename qw(dirname); use File::Spec::Functions qw(catdir); print $Bin, "\n"; # /home/foobar/Rocket-Launcher/scripts print dirname($Bin), "\n"; # /home/foobar/Rocket-Launcher print catdir(dirname($Bin), 'templates'), "\n"; # /home/foobar/Rocket-Launcher/templates
The $bin variable exported by the FindBin module will contain the path to the directory of the current script. In our case that will be a path to the project/scripts/ directory.
The dirname function of File::Basename takes a path and returns the same path removing the last part.
The last line is just the catdir function from File::Spec::Functions, which is basically the same as the catfile we saw earlier.
Instead of printing to the screen you would of course use the return value of catdir to specify the templates.
Loading modules from a relative path
Almost the same applies to finding and loading the modules that are located in the lib/ directory of the project. For this we will combine the previous code with the lib pragma. That will change the content of the @INC variable adding the relative path to the beginning of the array.
use strict; use warnings; use autodie; use FindBin qw($Bin); use File::Basename qw(dirname); use File::Spec::Functions qw(catdir); use lib catdir(dirname($Bin), 'lib'); use Rocket::Launcher;
Of course I assume we already have a file called lib/Rocket/
Where is the rest?
There is more to this, but I think it is enough as the first part of this series. If you want to make sure you don't miss the others, register to the newsletter. It's free.

Published on 2012-07-19