What's new in Perl 5.10? say, //, state
It is not news any more, Perl 5.10 has been released on 18th December, 2007, the 20th birthday of Perl. Many people have written articles about it. There are several presentations on-line available. For example see the discussion on PerlMonks. It has several good links.
I am writing about it as many companies are very late adopters and they will want to see how can Perl 5.10 or some later version improve their life.
(This article was originally published on 2007 Dec 24 on szabgab.com)
There are many new features, let's start with some of the simple ones:
There is a new function called say. It is the same as print but it automatically adds a new line \n to every call. This does not sound like a big issue and it is indeed not a huge one, but nevertheless it saves a lot of typing, especially in debugging code. There are just so many times we type
print "$var\n";
Now we'll be able to say this:
say $var;
If you are worried of new functions popping up in old code, you should not. The new function is only available if you explicitly ask for it by writing
use feature qw(say);
or if you require 5.10 to be the minimal version where your code can run:
use 5.010;
defined or
Another cute help is the // defined-or operator. It is nearly the same as the good old || but without the "0 is not a real value" bug:
Earlier when we wanted to give a default value to a scalar we could write either
$x = defined $x ? $x : $DEFAULT;
which is quite long, or we could write
$x ||= $DEFAULT;
but then 0 or "0" or the empty string were not accepted as valid values. They were replaced by the $DEFAULT value. While in some cases this is ok, in other cases this created a bug.
The new defined-or operator can solve this problem as it will return the right hand side only if the left hand value is undef. So now we are going to have short AND correct form:
$x //= $DEFAULT;
Third thing I look at in this article is the new state keyword. This too is optional and is only included if you ask for it by saying
use feature qw(state);
or by
use 5.010;
When used it is similar to my but it creates and initializes the variable only once. It is the same as the static variable in C. Earlier we had to write something like this:
{ my $counter = 0; sub next_counter { $counter++; return $counter; } }
Which always needed lots of explanations why $counter is set to 0 only once and how can it always get you a higher number. The anonymous block is also unclear at first glance.
Now you can write this:
sub next_counter { state $counter = 0; $counter++; return $counter; }
Which is much clearer.
For another use case of the state keyword check out how to hide multiple warnings of Perl?.

Published on 2012-07-06