Adding the To: field to the MongoDB database
The next step in indexing the mailbox will be to include the To: field.
Adding the To field
In the while-loop of the process()add_to(\%doc, $msg); immediately after the add_from call:
add_from(\%doc, $msg) or next; add_to(\%doc, $msg);
Implement the add_to function:
sub add_to { my ($doc, $msg) = @_; my $log = Log::Log4perl->get_logger('add_to'); my $to_string = $msg->header('To'); if (not defined $to_string) { $log->warn("There is no To field in this message"); return; } my @to = Email::Address->parse($to_string); #$log->info($to_string); $doc->{To} = [ map { { name => $_->name, address => $_->address, } } @to ]; return; }
It does check the number of addresses, instead there is a map expression that creates simple hashes from the Email::Address objects returned by the parse method. The new hashes are collected into an anonymous array, and a reference to that array is assigned to the To field of the $doc reference to hash.
If we now connect to the database using the command line client we can see how this structure is entered:
$ mongo > use mboxer switched to db mboxer > db.messages.find().limit(1) { "_id": ObjectId("5308aa0797e32fcb59000015"), "To": [ { "address": "", "name": "Foo Bar" }, { "addess": "", "name": "foobar" } ], "From": { "address": "", "name": "Mongo User" }, "Subject": "Learning to use MongoDB?" } Fetched 1 record(s) in 4ms
We can see how the "From" field is a hash, while the "To" field is an array of hashes.
We can now play with the command line shell of mongodb and fetch some other messages. For example: db.messages.find( {'From.address': ''} ) will return all the messages where the address of the From-field matches that value.
Respectively db.messages.find( {'To.address': ''} ) will fetch
all the messages where one of the addresses of the To field match.
Before executing a find() in the shell we might want to execute a
db.messages.find( {'To.address': ''} ).count() that will return the number
of instances.
A couple of thins I noticed now.
Actually, in order to see these issues I added a couple of logging calls like this one:
$log->info('name: ' . $to[0]->name);
We'll try to fix these issues now.
This part is easy. We just add a call to lc in front of the $_->address expression in the add_to function,
and in front of the $from[0]->address expression in the add_from function.
After looking at the documentation of Email::Address I saw that the name method
is working harder than I wanted. I should use the phrase method. (And then there is also a comment section I have not deal with yet.)
If I replace the calls to name by calls to phrase, including in the code that prints the log:
$log->info('phrase: ' . $to[0]->phrase);, and run the script, soon I'll get an exception:
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at bin/ line 80,
Wait, we know that. That should not be an exception! What's going on here?
Have we turned the warnings into FATAL errors by issuing use warning FATAL => 'all';?
Well, not us, but Moo did. When we write use Moo; it turns on use strict; and use warnings FATAL => 'all';
There was even an emotional discussion
about the subject that I don't really agree with. Anyway, I could see it live now. This means the logging line needs to change to this code:
$log->info('phrase: ' . ($to[0]->phrase // ''));
Running this did not throw any exception, but when I looked at the results in the database, I noticed that
many entries had a null in the name.
Of course, that's because in the map call we created the name field even when the value was undefined.
In order to this to work I had to change the whole section where we created the little hashes from
the Email::Address object:
in the add_from function:
in the add_to function:
I am not very happy with this code, but I did not have better idea how to write this.
The third issue I encountered was when the To field looked like this:
To: "" <>.
That is when the "phrase" and the "address" are the same.
Let's eliminate that case:
Now actually the previous code change came handy.
I just had to extend the conditions.
In the add_from function:
In the add_to function:
The current version of the code:
Lower case addresses
Replace name by phrase
"To": [
"address": "",
"name": null
$doc->{From} = {
address => lc $from[0]->address,
if (defined $from[0]->phrase) {
$doc->{From}{name} = $from[0]->phrase;
foreach my $t (@to) {
my %h = (address => lc $t->address);
if (defined $t->phrase) {
$h{name} = $t->phrase;
push @{ $doc->{To} }, \%h;
Remove e-mail as name
if (defined $from[0]->phrase and $from[0]->phrase ne $from[0]->address) {
$doc->{From}{name} = $from[0]->phrase;
if (defined $t->phrase and $t->phrase ne $t->address) {
$h{name} = $t->phrase;
The full code
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;
use Moo;
use MooX::Options;
use Path::Iterator::Rule;
use Email::Folder;
use Email::Address;
use MongoDB;
use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper);
use Log::Log4perl;
option path => (is => 'ro', required => 1, format => 's',
doc => 'path/to/mail');
option limit => (is => 'ro', required => 0, format => 'i',
doc => 'limit number of messages to be processed');
sub process {
my ($self) = @_;
my $dir = $self->path;
my $log = Log::Log4perl->get_logger('process');
$log->info("Starting to process in '$dir'");
my $client = MongoDB::MongoClient->new(host => 'localhost', port => 27017);
my $database = $client->get_database( 'mboxer' );
my $collection = $database->get_collection( 'messages' );
my $count = 0;
my $rule = Path::Iterator::Rule->new;
my $it = $rule->iter( $dir );
while ( my $file = $it->() ) {
next if not -f $file;
$log->info("Processing $file");
my $folder = Email::Folder->new($file);
while (my $msg = $folder->next_message) { # Email::Simple objects
#say $msg->header;
# Use of uninitialized value $field in lc at .../5.18.1/Email/Simple/ line 123, <GEN0> line 14.
#say $msg->header('From');
my %doc;
add_from(\%doc, $msg) or next;
add_to(\%doc, $msg);
#file => $file,
$doc{Subject} = $msg->header('Subject'),
exit if defined $self->limit and $count > $self->limit;
$log->info("Count: $count");
sub add_to {
my ($doc, $msg) = @_;
my $log = Log::Log4perl->get_logger('add_to');
my $to_string = $msg->header('To');
if (not defined $to_string) {
$log->warn("There is no To field in this message");
$log->info("To: $to_string");
my @to = Email::Address->parse($to_string);
if (not @to) {
$log->warn("Very strange. No email recognized in the To field! " . $msg->header('To'));
$log->info('name: ' . $to[0]->name);
$log->info('phrase: ' . ($to[0]->phrase // ''));
$log->info('address: ' . $to[0]->address);
foreach my $t (@to) {
my %h = (address => lc $t->address);
if (defined $t->phrase and $t->phrase ne $t->address) {
$h{name} = $t->phrase;
push @{ $doc->{To} }, \%h;
sub add_from {
my ($doc, $msg) = @_;
my $log = Log::Log4perl->get_logger('add_from');
my $from_string = $msg->header('From');
#$log->info("From: $from_string");
if (not defined $from_string) {
$log->warn("There is no From field in this message");
return 1;
my @from = Email::Address->parse($from_string);
#$log->info(Dumper \@from);
if (@from > 1) {
$log->warn("Strange, there were more than one emails recognized in the From field: " . $msg->header('From'));
if (not @from) {
$log->warn("Very strange. No email in the From field! " . $msg->header('From'));
return 1;
#say Dumper \@from;
#say $from[0]->address;
#say $from[0]->name;
if ($from[0]->name eq 'Mail System Internal Data') {
$doc->{From} = {
address => lc $from[0]->address,
if (defined $from[0]->phrase and $from[0]->phrase ne $from[0]->address) {
$doc->{From}{name} = $from[0]->phrase;
return 1;

Published on 2015-06-03