Refactoring the script and add logging
So far we have not run the indexer on all the mailboxes, but before we do that I'd like to make some more improvements to the script.
First of all, in the latest version we skipped messages that did not have a From field, or that we could not recognize a From field. I think it would be better to include them too. In order to do this we need to slightly reorganize the code.
We'll create and empty hash to represent the document at the beginning of the loop my %doc;, and we will add data to it after validation.
Probably the cleanest way is to move all the code checking and adding the From field to a subroutine. Also pass the reference to the %doc hash we need to fill. We have a slight problem though. It turns out the add_from subroutine itself can have 3 outcomes.
- We found the From field and want to store it.
- We did not find the From field.
- We found a From field and we'd like to skip this message.
Luckily for our purposes, in both the first and the second case we would like to continue processing this message, and will want to skip to the next message only in the 3rd case.
So the add_form will return true in every case we would like to continue processing the message and false in case we would like to abort processing the current message.
Then in the main loop we can write add_from(\%doc, $msg) or next;.
while (my $msg = $folder->next_message) { # Email::Simple objects $count++; my %doc; add_from(\%doc, $msg) or next; $doc{Subject} = $msg->header('Subject'), }
The extracted function is quite similar to the code we had in the loop, except that it has to call return instead of next:
sub add_from { my ($doc, $msg) = @_; my $from_string = $msg->header('From'); if (not defined $from_string) { warn "There is no From field in this message"; return 1; } my @from = Email::Address->parse($from_string); if (@from > 1) { warn "Strange, there were more than one emails recognized in the From field: " . $msg->header('From'); } if (not @from) { warn "Very strange. No email in the From field! " . $msg->header('From'); return 1; } #say Dumper \@from; say $from[0]->address; say $from[0]->name; if ($from[0]->name eq 'Mail System Internal Data') { return; } $doc->{From} = { name => $from[0]->name, address => $from[0]->address, }; return 1; }
The main function
The next step is something I probably should have done at the very beginning, is to wrap everything in a "main" function to avoid any use of global variables.
This is how the beginning of the script look like after the change. The only variable in the main body of the code is checking for the command line argument:
my $path_to_dir = shift or die "Usage: $0 path/to/mail\n"; process($path_to_dir); exit; sub process { my ($dir) = @_; ... }
Add logging
As a first version it was ok to call say to report what the code is doing and to call warn to report about strange situations, but as the script grows, it is better to switch to one of the logging modules from CPAN. I've used Log::Dispatch quite a lot, but after watching a presentation of Tom Hukins I decided to give Log::Log4perl try.
After some reading I created a file called log.conf and put the following in it:
log4perl.rootLogger=DEBUG, LOGFILE log4perl.appender.LOGFILE=Log::Log4perl::Appender::File log4perl.appender.LOGFILE.filename=process.log log4perl.appender.LOGFILE.mode=append log4perl.appender.LOGFILE.layout=PatternLayout log4perl.appender.LOGFILE.layout.ConversionPattern=[%r] %F %L %c - %m%n
Then in the script I added the following:
use Log::Log4perl; Log::Log4perl->init("log.conf");
In each subroutine I added the following at the beginning
my $log = Log::Log4perl->get_logger('process');
and replaced each call to warn by a call to $log->warn() and each call to say by a call to $log->info().
Then I only had to comment out the code that was limiting the process to 20 messages and I could run the script. (This is starting to be disturbing, that I have to comment out a line to run the script on all the messages.)
It took almost 4 minutes to run (though this time I am using an external disk connected via USB so it is not really comparable to the previous measurements.)
In the log file I found several entries that indicated issues:
[32517] bin/ 77 add_from - Very strange. No email in the From field! <Saved by Priority - Enterprise Management System> [55818] bin/ 73 add_from - Strange, there were more than one emails recognized in the From field: "" " via RT" <> [73796] bin/ 77 add_from - Very strange. No email in the From field! Gabor Szabo <sgabor> [98695] bin/ 69 add_from - There is no From field in this message
I'll certainly have to investigate these, but I also would like to make it easier to find these among the regular log messages. So I'll have to either separate the warnings and errors in another log file or I'll have to add the log-level (info, warn, etc) to the actual log string.
We'll do that next time. For now, let me paste the current version of the script here:
use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; use Path::Iterator::Rule; use Email::Folder; use Email::Address; use MongoDB; use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper); use Log::Log4perl; my $path_to_dir = shift or die "Usage: $0 path/to/mail\n"; Log::Log4perl->init("log.conf"); process($path_to_dir); exit; sub process { my ($dir) = @_; my $log = Log::Log4perl->get_logger('process'); $log->info("Starting to process in '$dir'"); my $client = MongoDB::MongoClient->new(host => 'localhost', port => 27017); my $database = $client->get_database( 'mboxer' ); $database->drop; my $collection = $database->get_collection( 'messages' ); my $count = 0; my $rule = Path::Iterator::Rule->new; my $it = $rule->iter( $dir ); while ( my $file = $it->() ) { next if not -f $file; $log->info("Processing $file"); my $folder = Email::Folder->new($file); while (my $msg = $folder->next_message) { # Email::Simple objects $count++; my %doc; add_from(\%doc, $msg) or next; $doc{Subject} = $msg->header('Subject'), $collection->insert(\%doc); #exit if $count > 20; } } $log->info("Count: $count"); } sub add_from { my ($doc, $msg) = @_; my $log = Log::Log4perl->get_logger('add_from'); my $from_string = $msg->header('From'); if (not defined $from_string) { $log->warn("There is no From field in this message"); return 1; } my @from = Email::Address->parse($from_string); if (@from > 1) { $log->warn("Strange, there were more than one emails recognized in the From field: " . $msg->header('From')); } if (not @from) { $log->warn("Very strange. No email in the From field! " . $msg->header('From')); return 1; } if ($from[0]->name eq 'Mail System Internal Data') { return; } $doc->{From} = { name => $from[0]->name, address => $from[0]->address, }; return 1; }

Published on 2015-05-30