How to calculate the balance of bank accounts in a CSV file, using Perl?
One of the readers of the How to read a CSV file using Perl? article has sent me a CSV file and a question:
How to Calculate and display total balance in each account using hash in perl. Without using parse function?
Let's see how can we handle such a request?
TranID,Date,AcNo,Type,Amount,ChequeNo,DDNo,Bank,Branch 13520,01-01-2011,5131342,Dr,5000,,,, 13524,01-01-2011,5131342,Dr,1000,,416123,SB,Ashoknagar 13538,08-01-2011,5131342,Cr,1620,19101,,, 13548,17-01-2011,5131342,Cr,3500,19102,,, 13519,01-01-2011,5522341,Dr,2000,14514,,SBM,Hampankatte 13523,01-01-2011,5522341,Cr,500,19121,,, 13529,02-01-2011,5522341,Dr,5000,13211,,SB,Ashoknagar 13539,09-01-2011,5522341,Cr,500,19122,,, 13541,10-01-2011,5522341,Cr,2000,19123,,,
At first it was not clear where is he stuck or if he made any progress at all. In order to help him I had to try to figure out both what he wanted to reach and the where he is stuck.
I asked for the code he already wrote, and got this script:
#!/usr/bin/perl print "Content-type:text/html\n\n"; my $sum; my $sum1; my $sum2; open(FILEHANDLE, "<banktran.csv") or die "Could not open 'banktran.csv' $!\n"; while (my $line = <FILEHANDLE>) { chomp $line; my @fields = split "," , $line; if ($fields[2] eq 5131342) { if ($fields[3] eq Dr) { $sum1 += $fields[4]; } else { $sum2 += $fields[4]; } $sum = $sum1-$sum2; print "Total Balance of Account Number is Rs.$sum\n"; } } close(FILEHANDLE);
Besides some obvious beginner issues I started to understand, that probably he wants to create a separate report for each account - the third column - AcNo is probably the account number.
The amount is in the 5th column under the title Amount.
As I can see the 4th column indicates if the type of the transaction. A little search indicates that Dr would be debit and Cr would be credit, though in the code that seems to be the opposite.
The first sentence in the question seems to indicate that he already understand he needs to use hashes, instead of the scalar $sum variables, but it is yet unclear to him how.
The second sentence, Without using parse function? seems to indicate to me that for some reason the reader cannot use the Text::CSV module that has the parse method. That's unfortunate, as that is the right tool in the general case of parsing and reading CSV files, but in many corporate settings installing a module from CPAN is difficult. Especially to someone who is new to Perl.
Assuming the CSV file is simple - no quoted separators, no embedded newlines - we can handle it with a call to the split function.
The code he sent me is reasonable for someone starting to use Perl, let's see how can we improve it and how can we try to implement what he needed?
Running the code
Before trying to improve the code, let's see if it runs, and what does it do? The script is saved as and the csv file as banktran.csv
Content-type:text/html Total Balance of Account Number is Rs.5000 Total Balance of Account Number is Rs.6000 Total Balance of Account Number is Rs.4380 Total Balance of Account Number is Rs.880
Now that we see it does something we can make some improvements:
use strict and use warnings
First of all, I very strongly recommend every Perl script to start with the two statements of the safety-net. I know that I can waste a lot of valuable time searching for bugs that these two would catch, so I don't want to be without them.
use strict; use warnings;
It should come right after the sh-bang. If we add this to the above code and try to run it again we get the following:
Bareword "Dr" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at line 18. Execution of aborted due to compilation errors.
Bareword not allowed while "strict subs" in use is one of the common warnings described in Perl Maven tutorial. We need to put single-quotes ' around the string Dr
Running the script again we get the following:
Content-type:text/html Use of uninitialized value $sum2 in subtraction (-) at line 23, <FILEHANDLE> line 2. Total Balance of Account Number is Rs.5000 Use of uninitialized value $sum2 in subtraction (-) at line 23, <FILEHANDLE> line 3. Total Balance of Account Number is Rs.6000 Total Balance of Account Number is Rs.4380 Total Balance of Account Number is Rs.880
The Use of uninitialized value warning is another common warning in Perl. It means the $sum2 was undef in line 23.
$sum = $sum1-$sum2;
We should probably initialize the variables to 0. It is not always necessary, but it can lead to cleaner code. The resulting code so far looks like this:
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; print "Content-type:text/html\n\n"; my $sum = 0; my $sum1 = 0; my $sum2 = 0; open(FILEHANDLE, "<banktran.csv") or die "Could not open 'banktran.csv' $!\n"; while (my $line = <FILEHANDLE>) { chomp $line; my @fields = split "," , $line; if ($fields[2] eq 5131342) { if ($fields[3] eq 'Dr') { $sum1 += $fields[4]; } else { $sum2 += $fields[4]; } $sum = $sum1-$sum2; print "Total Balance of Account Number is Rs.$sum\n"; } } close(FILEHANDLE);
Using open the "modern" way
I put the word "modern" in quotes because this is available since 2000 so it is not really new, but still many people learn the old style first.
There is an article why one should not open files in the old way in Perl, I won't repeat it here, I'll just fix the code:
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; print "Content-type:text/html\n\n"; my $sum = 0; my $sum1 = 0; my $sum2 = 0; my $filename = 'banktran.csv'; open(my $FILEHANDLE, '<', $filename) or die "Could not open '$filename' $!\n"; while (my $line = <$FILEHANDLE>) { chomp $line; my @fields = split "," , $line; if ($fields[2] eq 5131342) { if ($fields[3] eq 'Dr') { $sum1 += $fields[4]; } else { $sum2 += $fields[4]; } $sum = $sum1-$sum2; print "Total Balance of Account Number is Rs.$sum\n"; } } close($FILEHANDLE);
As you can see the I changed FILEHANDLE to be the lexical scalar $FILEHANDLE, using 3 parameters in the open function and also put the name of the file in a variable.
This last step is important for two reasons:
- It will make it easier to pass the name of the file as a parameter, if we need it.
- We won't fall in the trap of changing the name in the open() call, and leaving the old name in the die() call and getting confused by the error message.
Better variable names
The fact that we are using and array called @fields and indexes in that array makes it unclear what kind of values are in those field.
Quickly, can you remember what is in $fields[2]? I cannot. So instead of using the @fields array we could use variables with better names and write:
my ($id, $date, $account, $type, $amount, $cheque, $dd, $bank, $branch) = split "," , $line;
This turned the above line a bit longer but will make the rest of the code more readable. This also makes us creates some unnecessary variables.
Advanced Perl developers could make it nicer by using an array slice:
my ($account, $type, $amount) = (split "," , $line)[2, 3, 4];
The loop will look like this:
while (my $line = <$FILEHANDLE>) { chomp $line; my ($account, $type, $amount) = (split "," , $line)[2, 3, 4]; if ($account eq 5131342) { if ($type eq 'Dr') { $sum1 += $amount; } else { $sum2 += $amount; } $sum = $sum1-$sum2; print "Total Balance of Account Number is Rs.$sum\n"; } }
Eliminate temporary variables
As I can see the $sum1 and $sum2 variables are used only to hold the values that either need to be added to the $sum or deducted from it. We don't really need them. We could add to $sum, or deduct from it inside the condition:
if ($account eq 5131342) { if ($type eq 'Dr') { $sum += $amount; } else { $sum -= $amount; }
Let's see and try the full code again, before the big operation.
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; print "Content-type:text/html\n\n"; my $sum = 0; my $filename = 'banktran.csv'; open(my $FILEHANDLE, '<', $filename) or die "Could not open '$filename' $!\n"; while (my $line = <$FILEHANDLE>) { chomp $line; my ($account, $type, $amount) = (split "," , $line)[2, 3, 4]; if ($account eq 5131342) { if ($type eq 'Dr') { $sum += $amount; } else { $sum -= $amount; } print "Total Balance of Account Number is Rs.$sum\n"; } } close($FILEHANDLE);
Show the total for all the accounts
Right now, only one specific account (id = 5131342) is summarized and it is done in a scalar variable. Instead of this we would like to summarize all the accounts. The easiest way is to use a hash. The account ids will be the keys and the sum will be the value.
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; print "Content-type:text/html\n\n"; my %sum; my $filename = 'banktran.csv'; open(my $FILEHANDLE, '<', $filename) or die "Could not open '$filename' $!\n"; while (my $line = <$FILEHANDLE>) { chomp $line; my ($account, $type, $amount) = (split "," , $line)[2, 3, 4]; if ($type eq 'Dr') { $sum{$account} += $amount; } else { $sum{$account} -= $amount; } print "Total Balance of Account Number $account is Rs.$sum{$account}\n"; } close($FILEHANDLE);
In this code we don't need the if ($account eq 5131342) condition any more. We can access the hash key directly, using the $account number as the key.
After running the script the result looks like this:
Content-type:text/html Argument "Amount" isn't numeric in subtraction (-) at line 19, <$FILEHANDLE> line 1. Total Balance of Account Number AcNo is Rs.0 Total Balance of Account Number 5131342 is Rs.5000 Total Balance of Account Number 5131342 is Rs.6000 Total Balance of Account Number 5131342 is Rs.4380 Total Balance of Account Number 5131342 is Rs.880 Total Balance of Account Number 5522341 is Rs.2000 Total Balance of Account Number 5522341 is Rs.1500 Total Balance of Account Number 5522341 is Rs.6500 Total Balance of Account Number 5522341 is Rs.6000 Total Balance of Account Number 5522341 is Rs.4000
The warning we get is due to the first line in the CSV file. Earlier we did not have to care about it as we only dealt with rows where the account id was matching the selected number, but now we have to skip that line. It's easy, just read the first row before the while loop, and throw it away.
<$FILEHANDLE>; while (my $line = <$FILEHANDLE>) {
Total only at the end?
This could be the final version, but it is unclear to me if we really need to display the Balance after every row, or only at the end. So let's make another change that will display the results only at the end.
We remove the print call from the while loop and add another loop at the end, going over all the accounts and displaying the account status:
foreach my $account (sort keys %sum) { print "Total Balance of Account Number $account is Rs.$sum{$account}\n"; }
The full code
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; print "Content-type:text/html\n\n"; my %sum; my $filename = 'banktran.csv'; open(my $FILEHANDLE, '<', $filename) or die "Could not open '$filename' $!\n"; <$FILEHANDLE>; while (my $line = <$FILEHANDLE>) { chomp $line; my ($account, $type, $amount) = (split "," , $line)[2, 3, 4]; if ($type eq 'Dr') { $sum{$account} += $amount; } else { $sum{$account} -= $amount; } } close($FILEHANDLE); foreach my $account (sort keys %sum) { print "Total Balance of Account Number $account is Rs.$sum{$account}\n"; }
There is only one little thing that still bothers me. Why do we print Content-type at the beginning of the code? Is this supposed to run as a CGI script?
If no, then we could remove that line.
If this is a CGI script then we should probably print real HTML out. At least we should print pre tags around the report.

Published on 2012-08-04