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CPAN Digger explained
MetaCPAN URLs and Issues
RT.CPAN.ORG is closing
Getting started testing Perl module with Test2
Don't use $a and $b outside of sort, not even for examples
How to sort a hash in Perl?
How to sort a hash of hashes by value?
Sorting arrays in Perl
Sorting mixed strings
Exercise: sort scores - video
Solution: sort scores - video
List authors where the PAUSEID starts with a given letter
Getting started - Create skeleton for the SCO clone application
Vagrant Perl Development Environment (VirtualBox)
Start writing the Markua parser in Perl
Exploring BDD in Perl - using Test::BDD::Cucumber - part 1
Exploring BDD in Perl - using Test::BDD::Cucumber - part 2
Exploring BDD in Perl - using Test::BDD::Cucumber - part 3
Exploring BDD in Perl - using Test::BDD::Cucumber - part 4