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Comparing scalars in Perl
ge - Greater than or equal. Comparing values as strings.
Always check if the regex was successful
Introduction to Regexes in Perl 5
Tools to package Perl scripts, modules, and applications
How to merge one text file to the end of another text file?
usage: GLOB->new([FILENAME [,MODE [,PERMS]]])
Changes and README files in a Perl distribution
Installing and getting started with Perl
File modify date - When was a file last changed?
How to get the size of a file in Perl
Global symbol requires explicit package name
one-liner: read first elements of a huge directory
Core Perl OOP: attributes, getter - setter
Generate Calendar in ICal format
Adding custom tags with Image::ExifTool
How to remove thumbnail from a jpeg using Image::ExifTool
Image::ExifTool - Writing into IPTC-fields
Image::ExifTool IPTC UTF-8 Support?