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Perl Tutorial
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Compare Values - video
Comparing scalars in Perl
Comparison Operators - video
lt - Less than. Comparing values as strings.
Modify default timeout in SOAP::WSDL
$_ the default variable of Perl
Using fork in Perl to spread load to multiple cores
How to change default port in Net::SFTP?
App PerlTidy Tk version 0.01
Moo attributes with default values
Moo with array reference as attributes - with or without default values
Moo with hash reference as attributes - with or without default values
Multiple command line counters with plain TSV text file back-end
How to rename multiple files with one command on Windows, Linux, or Mac?
Using the built-in debugger of Perl
Using the built-in debugger of Perl as REPL
Passing multiple parameters to a function in Perl
Implementing 'is_any' to test multiple expected values
Multiple expected values - testing dice
Dancer2: Exercise 2 - Multi-Counter, Random redirection