Here documents, or how to create multi-line strings in Perl
Once in a while you need to create a string that spreads on several lines. As usual in Perl, there are several solutions for this. Using a here-document is one of the common solutions.
A here-document allows you to create a string that spreads on multiple lines and preserves white spaces and new-lines. If you run the following code it will print exactly what you see starting from the word Dear till the line before the second appearance of END_MESSAGE.
Non-interpolating here document
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; my $name = 'Foo'; my $message = <<'END_MESSAGE'; Dear $name, this is a message I plan to send to you. regards the Perl Maven END_MESSAGE print $message;
Dear $name, this is a message I plan to send to you. regards the Perl Maven
The here document starts with two less-than characters << followed by and arbitrary string that becomes the designated end-mark of the here-document, followed by the semi-colon ; marking the end of the statement. This is a bit strange as the statement does not really end here. Actually the content of the here document just starts on the line after the semi-colon, (in our case with the word "Dear"), and continues till Perl finds the arbitrarily selected end-mark. In our case the string END_MESSAGE.
If you have already seen here-documents in code, you are probably surprised by the single-quotes around the first END_MESSAGE. I think if you find examples of here-documents on the Internet, or behind the corporate firewalls, you'll probably see the opening part without any quotes around it. Like this:
my $message = <<END_MESSAGE; ... END_MESSAGE
It works and it behaves the same as if you put double-quotes around the END_MESSAGE like in the next example, but it is less clear. I'd recommend you do not use here-document without quotes around the definition of the end-string.
my $message = <<"END_MESSAGE"; ... END_MESSAGE
If you already know the difference between single-quotes and double-quotes in Perl, then you won't be surprised that the here-documents have the exact same behavior. The only difference is, that the quotes are around the end-mark and not the actual string. If no quotes are provided, Perl defaults to double-quotes.
If you look back to the first example, you will notice we had $name part of the here-document and it also remained part of the output. That's because Perl did not try to fill the place with the content of the $name variable. (We did not even have to declare that variable in the code. You can try the script, even without the my $name = 'Foo'; part.)
Interpolating here document
In the next example we use double quotes around the end-mark and thus it will interpolate the $name variable:
use strict; use warnings; my $name = 'Foo'; my $message = <<"END_MSG"; Hello $name, how are you? END_MSG print $message;
The result of running this script is:
Hello Foo, how are you?
Warning: exact end-string at the end
Maybe just a note. You have to make sure the end-string is duplicated at the end of the string exactly as it was at the beginning. No white-spaces before, and no white spaces after. Otherwise Perl will not recognize it and will think the here-documents have not ended yet. That means you cannot indent the end tag to match the indentation of the rest of your code. Or can you?
Here documents and code indentation
If the here document needs to be in a place where we'd normally indent code, we have two problems:
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; my $name = 'Foo'; my $send = 1; if ($send) { my $message = <<"END_MESSAGE"; Dear $name, this is a message I plan to send to you. regards the Perl Maven END_MESSAGE print $message; }
One is that as I mentioned above, the end string must be exactly the same both at its declaration and at the end of the string, so you cannot indent it at the end.
The other problem is that the output will have all those leading whites-spaces in every line:
Dear Foo, this is a message I plan to send to you. regards the Perl Maven
The lack of indentation of the end-mark can be solved by using one that already includes enough leading white-spaces: (I am using 4 real spaces here, as the tabs don't work well in the article, but they could work in real code. If you are in the indent-by-tab camp.)
my $message = <<" END_MESSAGE"; ... END_MESSAGE
The extra indentation of the actual text can be removed using a substitution at the assignment.
(my $message = <<" END_MESSAGE") =~ s/^ {8}//gm; ... END_MESSAGE
In the substitution we replace 8 leading spaces by the empty string. We use two modifiers: /m changes the behavior of ^ from matching at the beginning of the string to match at the beginning of line. /g tells the substitution to work globally, that is to repeat the substitution as many times as it can.
Together these two flag will get the substitution to remove 8 leading spaces from every line in the variable on the left-hand side of =~. On the left-hand side we had to put the assignment in parentheses because the precedence of the assignment operator (=) is lower than the precedence of the regex =~. Without the parentheses, perl would first try to run the regex substitution on the here-document itself resulting in a compile-time error:
Can't modify scalar in substitution (s///) at line 9, near "s/^ {8}//gm;"
Using q or qq instead
With all this explanation, actually I am not sure if I should really recommend using here-documents. In many cases, instead of here-documents, I use either the qq or the q operator. Depending if I want interpolating, or non-interpolating strings:
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; my $name = 'Foo'; my $send = 1; if ($send) { (my $message = qq{ Dear $name, this is a message I plan to send to you. regards the Perl Maven }) =~ s/^ {8}//mg; print $message; }
I think it is worth noting that if you use "qq" operator like in your example, you end up with newline character in the beginning of the string in $message. To avoid this you should start your message text in the same line as qq operator. Regards, Zymuar
I have a multi-line here-text that (in UltraEdit) contains line breaks coded as \r\n. However, when I subsequently print it out to a file, the \r's seem to have been dropped and only the \n's remain. Is there a way to change that behaviour?
--- have you tried using q or qq instead? --- No I didn't. However, I added a
$here_doc=~ s/\n/\r\n/g;
to the code right after the $here_doc definition. That also did the trick, although probably not standard business practice, but at least I see what's happening. Regards, Mario
In the 'non-interpolating' section you have two examples that do do interpolation. The label on those two still says 'non-interpolation'!
One benefit I can see with using here-documents versus qq.
If I'm trying to put some javascript into a string, it is very common to find square braces, curly braces, pipes, and any other single character I might want to use as a delimiter all contained within that string.
here-documents completely avoid that issue, as I can choose an arbitrary end-sequence, which will never appear within the script block. --- I use $whatever = qq~ whatever~; The tilde is very rare within a string.
Time to update and refer `<<~` :-)
You didn't mention the way I like to do it :( I like to use double quotes with the newline character and the concatenation operator. It's a bit verbose, but quite explicit.
--- I do it like:
use constant bs => '\\'; # backslash use constant bt => '`'; # backtick use constant dq => '"'; # double-quote use constant nl => "\n"; # newline use constant nlx2 => "\n" x 2; # 2 newlines use constant sq => "'"; # single quote use constant tab => "\t"; # tab use constant tabx2 => "\t" x 2; # 2 tabs use constant tabx3 => "\t" x 3; # 3 tabs use constant tabx4 => "\t" x 4; # 4 tabs use constant tabx5 => "\t" x 5; # 5 tabs
print 'Manage partitions' . nlx2 . tab . '--help' . tabx4 . 'Basic usage.' . nl . tab . '--full-help' . tabx3 . 'More detailed help.' . nl . tab . '--future-help' . tabx3 . 'Unimplemented features...' . nl ;
I love the surprise ending!
"Heredocs, here's how they work, bla bla, ..."
and then, at the end:
"I am not sure if I should really recommend using here-documents. ... instead of here-documents, I use either the qq or the q operator"
That's a great plot twist. And a useful page, so thanks.

Published on 2013-06-30