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How to remove, copy or rename a file with Perl
usage: GLOB->new([FILENAME [,MODE [,PERMS]]])
Periodic CI for dormant code
Three-argument form of open used and it is not available until perl 5.6.
Generate Calendar in ICal format
Unofficial information about The Perl Foundation Grants
Transforming a Perl array using map
How to sort faster in Perl? (using the Schwartzian transform)
Web Scraping TED - information about a specific talk
Concurrent Requests and measuring performance with ApacheBench
Terms and List Operators (Leftward)
What is my IP address, how to determine the IP address of your computer using Perl
Moving from CGI to PSGI and Starman
Extra information in Canon EOS 350 .CR2 after using Digital Photo Professional
Formatted printing in Perl using printf and sprintf