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Hashes in Perl
How to sort a hash of hashes by value?
>= Greater than or equal. Comparing values as numbers.
Moo attributes with default values
Moo with array reference as attributes - with or without default values
Moo with hash reference as attributes - with or without default values
List value constructors
Exercise: parse HTTP values - video
Solution: parse HTTP values - video
Operations on value-pairs in Perl
Unique values in an array in Perl
Unique values in an array reference in Perl
Filtering values using Perl grep
Exchange values and keys of a hash - how to reverse a hash
Using 'like' to test without exact values
Memoization - speeding up function calls by caching of return values
Use of uninitialized value
The easiest way to find the highest hash value without looping through all of them (max)
Moose: coerce value to a subtype
Boolean values in Perl