Unique values in an array in Perl
In this part of the Perl tutorial we are going to see how to make sure we only have distinct values in an array.
Perl 5 does not have a built in function to filter out duplicate values from an array, but there are several solutions to the problem.
A small clarification
I am not a native English speaker, but it seems that at least in the world of computers, the word unique is a bit overloaded. As far as I can tell in most programming environments the word unique is a synonym of the word distinct and in this article we use that meaning. So given a list of values like this foo, bar, baz, foo, zorg, baz by unique values, we mean foo, bar, baz, zorg.
The other meaning would be "those values that appear only once" which would give us bar, zorg.
Most of the time, the simplest way is to use the uniq function of the List::MoreUtils module from CPAN.
use List::MoreUtils qw(uniq); my @words = qw(foo bar baz foo zorg baz); my @unique_words = uniq @words;
A full example is this:
use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; use List::MoreUtils qw(uniq); use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper); my @words = qw(foo bar baz foo zorg baz); my @unique_words = uniq @words; say Dumper \@unique_words;
The result is:
$VAR1 = [ 'foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'zorg' ];
For added fun the same module also provides a function called distinct, which is just an alias of the uniq function.
In order to use this module you'll have to install it from CPAN.
Home made uniq
If you cannot install the above module for whatever reason, or if you think the overhead of loading it is too big, there is a very short expression that will do the same:
my @unique = do { my %seen; grep { !$seen{$_}++ } @data };
This, of course can look cryptic to someone who does not know it already, so it is recommended to define your own uniq subroutine, and use that in the rest of the code:
use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper); my @words = qw(foo bar baz foo zorg baz); my @unique = uniq( @words ); say Dumper \@unique_words; sub uniq { my %seen; return grep { !$seen{$_}++ } @_; }
Home made uniq explained
I can't just throw this example here and leave it like that. I'd better explain it. Let's start with an easier version:
my @unique; my %seen; foreach my $value (@words) { if (! $seen{$value}) { push @unique, $value; $seen{$value} = 1; } }
Here we are using a regular foreach loop to go over the values in the original array, one by one. We use a helper hash called %seen. The nice thing about the hashes is that their keys are unique.
We start with an empty hash so when we encounter the first "foo", $seen{"foo"} does not exist and thus its value is undef which is considered false in Perl. Meaning we have not seen this value yet. We push the value to the end of the new @uniq array where we are going to collect the distinct values.
We also set the value of $seen{"foo"} to 1. Actually any value would do as long as it is considered "true" by Perl.
The next time we encounter the same string, we already have that key in the %seen hash. Since its value is true, the if condition will fail, and we won't push the duplicate value in the resulting array.
Shortening the home made unique function
First of all we replace the assignment of 1 $seen{$value} = 1; by the post-increment operator $seen{$value}++. This does not change the behavior of the previous solution - any positive number is going to be evaluated as TRUE, but it will allow us to include the setting of the "seen flag" within the if condition. It is important that this is a postfix increment (and not a prefix increment) as this means the increment only takes place after the boolean expression was evaluated. The first time we encounter a value the expression will be TRUE and the rest of the times it will be FALSE.
my @unique; my %seen; foreach my $value (@data) { if (! $seen{$value}++ ) { push @unique, $value; } }
This is shorter, but we can do even better.
Filtering duplicate values using grep
The grep function in Perl is a generalized form of the well known grep command of Unix.
It is basically a filter. You provide an array on the right hand side and an expression in the block. The grep function will take each value of the array one-by-one, put it in $_, the default scalar variable of Perl and then execute the block. If the block evaluates to TRUE, the value can pass. If the block evaluates to FALSE the current value is filtered out.
That's how we got to this expression:
my %seen; my @unique = grep { !$seen{$_}++ } @words;
Wrapping it in 'do' or in 'sub'
The last little thing we have to do, is wrapping the above two statements in either a do block
my @unique = do { my %seen; grep { !$seen{$_}++ } @words };
or, better yet, in a function with an expressive name:
sub uniq { my %seen; return grep { !$seen{$_}++ } @_; }
Home made uniq - round 2
Prakash Kailasa suggested an even shorted version of implementing uniq, for Perl version 5.14 and above, if there is no requirement to preserve the order of elements.
my @unique = keys { map { $_ => 1 } @data };
or within a subroutine:
my @unique = uniq(@data); sub uniq { keys { map { $_ => 1 } @_ } };
Let's take this expression apart:
map has a similar syntax to grep: a block and an array (or a list of values). It goes over all the elements of the array, executes the block and passes the result to the left.
In our case, for every value in the array it will pass the value itself followed by the number 1. Remember =>, a.k.a. fat comma, is just a comma. Assuming @data has ('a', 'b', 'a') in it, this expression will return ('a', 1, 'b', 1, 'a', 1).
map { $_ => 1 } @data
If we assigned that expression to a hash, we would get the original data as keys, each with value of the number 1. Try this:
use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dumper; my @data = qw(a b a); my %h = map { $_ => 1 } @data; print Dumper \%h;
and you will get:
$VAR1 = { 'a' => 1, 'b' => 1 };
If, instead of assigning it to an array, we wrap the above expression in curly braces, we will get a reference to an anonymous hash.
{ map { $_ => 1 } @data }
Let's see it in action:
use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dumper; my @data = qw(a b a); my $hr = { map { $_ => 1 } @data }; print Dumper $hr;
Will print the same output as the previous one, barring any change in order in the dumping of the hash.
Finally, starting from perl version 5.14, we can call the keys function on hash references as well. Thus we can write:
my @unique = keys { map { $_ => 1 } @data };
and we'll get back the unique values from @data
Unique values in an array reference
There is a separate article showing the above solution in case the data is in a reference to an array.
Given the following file, print out the unique values:
foo Bar bar first second Foo foo another foo
expected output:
foo Bar bar first second Foo another
Exercise 2
This time filter out duplicates regardless of case.
expected output:
foo Bar first second another
I don't think you get a lot of comments, but I just want to thank you so much! You tutorials are so clear, and practical. Your simple examples are helping me parse the interaction energies for thousands of amino acids in thousands of files which are nearly duplicates in a lot of ways. So I need some way to sort the list of unique elements.
my contribution :
for $column_to_make_uniq ( 0..$#data ) { $list_of_uniq_terms{$data[$column_to_make_uniq]} ++; }
then you will have : keys = list of uniq term values = like the -c option in the uniq command shell
Thanks so much Gabor. This is one of my "must go to" sites for Perl when I want to check for syntax, examples, easily understandable code, etc. Amazing work and amazing site!
Very nice.
You should probably note that taking keys on a hash reference is experimental: 'keys on reference is experimental at ...'
Anyone who balks at that can use a sub (as with the grep version).
I have created a script what reads the input.txt file with the words, give that to an array but the sort function will not do its plain job, maybe i have an error. Can you post a solution of the exercies? While search for that i have tested several functions of the course. Your book is quite good, have bought it two weeks ago.
anyway to check for uniqueness within each array element? For instance, Just interested in the middle four characters of the element to be unique.
@foo = (h25sxxxxj89s,ww0ixxxx56s5,1234yyyyvgs6, ppppxxxx456w, 1111zzzzwytr); @uvalues = uniq (@foo); print "@uvalues\n";
Anyway to do that?
sub uniq { my %seen; grep { /^.{4}(.{4})/ && !$seen{$1}++ } @_; }
my @foo = qw/h25sxxxxj89s ww0ixxxx56s5 1234yyyyvgs6 ppppxxxx456w 1111zzzzwytr/; my @uvalues = uniq( @foo ); print "@uvalues\n";
This example has a long time warned that way is "experimental", and now its solution became deprecated sub uniq { keys { map { $_ => 1 } @_ } }; to make things happen right way you should use strict type cast for function keys sub uniq { return keys %{ { map { $_ => 1 } @_ } } };
I prefer the old fashioned: sub uniq { my %hash; $hash{$_}++ for (@_); return keys %hash; }
Yes, there's an extra (only needed with use strict) of my %hash and the return portion of the last statement is not necessary -- but I find this clear for anyone to read. At least, for me, grep and map provide little value, but TMTOWDI.
I'm doing the exercises and getting funny results. Exercise #2
use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper);
my @array;
while (<>) { chomp; push @array, split / /, $_; }
my @uniques = uniq( @array );
sub uniq { my %seen; my @unique_elements = grep { !$seen{ lc $_ }++ } @_; return @unique_elements; }
say Dumper \@uniques;
# prints # ----------------------------------------------------------- $VAR1 = [ 'foo', 'Bar', 'first', 'second', 'another' ]; # -----------------------------------------------------------
But if I change the order of "Bar bar" to "bar Bar in the original text file it prints: # ----------------------------------------------------------- $VAR1 = [ 'foo', 'bar', # now this bar is not "Bar" 'first', 'second', 'another' ]; # -----------------------------------------------------------
I guess the exercise didn't specify the case of the unique element. Is this beyond the scope of the exercise?
"incredibly good!"
wonderful teaching method.
i perl this is the answer.
my %HASH{@array} =1; push(@uniq,keys %HASH);

Published on 2012-09-20