use strict; and warnings; but no diagnostics
While in the mids of the previous editing sessions, I noticed the tests don't have use warnings;, but on the other some of them had use diagnostics;.
Usually you'd be better off having use warnings;, but use diagnostics you only need if the shorter explanations did not help. Even then, you might find a more suitable explanation among the common errors and warnings of Perl or by using splain.
Add use warnings; to the tests and remove use diagnostics; from tests.
So I went over the test, remove the use diagnostics; statements. Added the use warnings; where it was missing. I've also remove the # -*- perl -*- entries as those are just instructions for Emacs to recognize these are Perl file. Not really necessary. I've also reorganized the module loading.
It should be like this:
use strict; use warnings; # Load generic modules (e.g. use Path::Tiny qw(path);) # Load Test::More, set plan # Load modules under test (Pod::Tree modules in our case) # test code
Then I ran the tests again to see everything works fine and that there are no warnings.
That brought me to this commit.
use strict; use warnings; in modules
Then I looked around and noticed some of the modules were also missing use warnings;, and some even the use strict; statements. Both make our code more robust and thus are highly recommended.
So I went over all the modules and added use warnings; and use strict; where they were missing from the modules. Actually, some of the pm-files contained more than one package statements. I've added the two statements to each one of those as I am planning to move them to separate files anyway. (I am just waiting to show you how Perl::Critic will tell me to do so.)
Once I've finished doing this I ran the test and got the following warnings: (The tests passed, but these warnings were printed.)
t/00-compile.t .. 1/? "my" variable $index masks earlier declaration in same scope at blib/lib/Pod/Tree/ line 148. "my" variable $pods masks earlier declaration in same scope at blib/lib/Pod/Tree/ line 148. t/00-compile.t .. 9/? mod2html syntax OK podtree2html syntax OK pods2html syntax OK "my" variable $index masks earlier declaration in same scope at blib/lib/Pod/Tree/ line 148. "my" variable $pods masks earlier declaration in same scope at blib/lib/Pod/Tree/ line 148.
These are actually minor issue. (Some other code might generate a lot more warnings and maybe even compilation errors after adding use warnings; and use strict;.
I could fix these errors in one place by removing the my, and in another place by renaming the variable that was declared to something that seems to be more suitable anyway.
Then I ran the test. As everything passed and there were no warnings either I could commit the changes.
use warnings; in the scripts as well
Then I remembered there are some scripts as well, and added use warnings; to those as well.
Some people might be nervous about the many relatively small commits, but it is actually a good thing. It makes it easier for someone to understand each commit separately.
Remove use 5.6 and friends
Another small issue was the use 5.005; and use 5.6.0; statements sprinkled around the code.
They mean we require at least Perl version 5.005 and 5.6 respectively. This might have been important back when the code was written and some people were still using perl 4, but today they don't add a lot of value.
In any case the code now requires at least perl version 5.6 that was release in 2000. Quite a low expectation from the users.
Actually I am not sure about this move. Maybe I should add a minimum perl requirement to the modules and scripts as a good practice.

Published on 2016-02-14