Fix Perl::Critic test failures reported by CPAN Testers
At the end of the previous article we have released version 1.23 of Pod::Tree and we had hopes that this works. A few hours later failing reports started to show at the CPAN Testers.
Looking at any one of the test reports showed a Perl::Critic policy violation. How could that happen if we have checked on the development machine and also on Travis-CI that the code was PC violation free?
Perl::Critic includes lots of policies, but there are quite a few additional policies in other modules. When we run perlcritic it will check the code for all the available policies. Apparently, the person who runs the smoker had a number of these additional policies installed.
It wouldn't be a big issue if this was "only" the CPAN testers, but this means, Perl::Critic test might fail during installation at any "end-user" due to issue we probably don't care. After all, if we did care, we would have included those in our own Perl::Critic rules.
Violated extra policies
At this point I did not go into checking what were these policy violations, but later I check out both the Private Member Data shouldn't be accessed directly violation and the Three-argument form of open used and it is not available until perl 5.6. violation.
Avoid failing developer tests during installation
There are a whole class of so called "developer tests" that have similar issues, for example in our case the test checking tidyness also falls in this category. Later we are going to add a test that checks if the version numbers in all the modules are the same. Some people add tests to check if every function has documentation in POD format. For now let's discuss specifically the Perl::Critic tests here.
Avoid Perl::Critic errors during installation
There are a couple of strategies to avoid the Perl::Critic errors on machines you don't have control over. Probably the most obvious one is to run these tests only during development and releases. For that there are several strategies.
Put the tests in xt/
So far we put all the test scripts in the t/ directory, but there is actually a fairly standard recommendation to put the "developer test" in the xt/ directory. (Still with .t extension though.) Normally, when we run "make test" these test would not be executed.
On the other hand if we run prove -l t/ xt/ it will execute all the tests. Both in the t/ and in the xt/ directory.
If we used this solution, I'd probably change the Perl::Critic test script to always run. That is, I'd remove the "
## no critic eval 'use Test::Perl::Critic 1.02'; plan skip_all => 'Test::Perl::Critic 1.02 required' if $@;
part and replace it with
use Test::Perl::Critic 1.02;
Don't distribute the tests at all
Another solution, that might make even more sense, especially if the project has a public version control system, is to leave the "developer tests" in the t/ directory, but to exclude them from the distribution. That way the CPAN Testers and the regular end-users won't run them at all, but on the other hand the developers won't have to make special effort to run them. Regular make test will execute these tests as well.
In this case I am not sure if I would leave the "eval" part in the tests or not.
If I take them out, that will ensure these tests are always executed by every developer and every contributor. That might make it more difficult to contribute as more modules will have to be installed to test even the smallest patch. OTOH this will ensure you, the main developer won't have to deal with issues that are relatively low level requirements for your code-base.
If I leave the "eval" that means the test will be skipped if Perl::Critic is not installed. That makes it easier for the contributors, but then if I work on a new machine or a newly compiled perl where Perl::Critic is not installed, I'll probably miss the fact that some of my tests did not run. Having Travis-CI configured to install Perl::Critic might eliminate the danger as that means even if I don't run the Perl::Critic tests, Travis-CI will the first time I push out my changes.
Use environment variable to control the tests
There is also the possibility to only let the "developer tests" run if a certain environment variable is set. For example like this:
plan skip_all => 'DEV_TESTS' if not $ENV{DEV_TESTS};
Then, CPAN Testers and people who just install the module won't run the tests by mistake and the developers could run the tests by typing
DEV_TESTS=1 make test
I think this has similar aspects as the tests in the xt/ but this is probably an inferior solution.
Supply the configuration file needed for Perl::Critic
In the .perlcriticrc we had the configuration of Perl::Critic, but that file was not included in the distribution so when the Perl::Critic tests ran on the CPAN Testers machine, they used the default options. That mean every policy with severity 5 or higher. (There are some non-standard Perl::Critic policies at severity level 6.) Because there were some additional policies installed on the testers machine, they were also checked.
In the .perlcriticrc file we further restricted the policies by setting theme = core, but because we have not included this file in our distribution, this restriction did not apply there and some non-core policies were taken in account.
At this point I decided to go with this approach and see how it works, even though later I'll probably switch to the "don't distribute the developer tests" approach.
So the next commit was to include the rc files in the MANIFEST.

Published on 2016-02-26