Create skeleton PSGI application for the SCO project
I know it was short, but at this point I had enough from the testing. I like testing, but having lots of test withouth the real application (even if we are talking about a clone) looks pointless. Besides, I had doubts about the reusability of those tests, so instead of writing more tests, I switched gears, and started to write the web application.
I was wondering a bit which framework should I use for the project. The MetaCPAN Web is written using Catalyst. I know Dancer quite well. I have some experience with Mojolicious, but in the end I thought: Let's not use any of these. Let's start by implementing everything in plain PSGI. It is both a learning experience and at least at this point, the project does not need fancy things the frameworks might provide.
The first thing I wanted to create is a skeleton for the PSGI-based web application. Something simple like when we once started with PSGI, but with more robust layout.
So I created the >app.psgi file in the root of the project with the following content:
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use lib 'lib'; use MetaCPAN::SCO; my $app = MetaCPAN::SCO->run;
Instead of implementing the application in the app.psgi file, I am going to implement it in the MetaCPAN::SCO module and call its run method.
The interesting part of the code is in the lib/MetaCPAN/ file.
The run method creates, and implicitly returns a reference to a subroutine. (Assigning the anonymous subroution to the $app variable is not required here, but it will be useful later on.)
Inside the anonymous subroutine we create a Plack::Request object. Then using the path_info method we can retreive part of the requested URL that does not contain the name of the machine. Just the path from /. We can use this later to identify the various requests. (These are usually called "routes").
According to the specs of PSGI, this anonymous subroution needs to return an array reference with 3 values. The first one is the HTTP status code. 200 means success, 404 means "Not Found". The 2nd element is the header. In our case we return only the Content-type. When the path_info equals to '/' we return text/plain which means our response will be interpreted as plain text. In all other cases we return 404 - Not Found and the Content-Type is text/html. There is no particular reason for the differences. At this point the content (which is the string in the 3rd element of the array is plain text. So either Content-Type will work.
Later, when both will return HTML, we'll have to make sure that the Content-Type is text/html in both cases.
package MetaCPAN::SCO; use strict; use warnings; use Plack::Request; our $VERSION = '0.01'; =head1 NAME SCO - clone =cut sub run { my $app = sub { my $env = shift; my $request = Plack::Request->new($env); if ($request->path_info eq '/') { return [ '200', [ 'Content-Type' => 'text/plain' ], ['Hello'], ]; } return [ '404', [ 'Content-Type' => 'text/html' ], ['404 Not Found'], ]; }; } 1;
Once we have this, we can launch the web-application by running plackup in the root directory of the project. It will tell us we can browse to http://localhost:5000/. Try that, and try adding something to the end of the request to see the 404 error message.
To finish this change, we also need to add Plack::Request to the list of prerequisites. This is the change we make in the Makefile.PL:
PREREQ_PM => { 'Plack::Request' => '0', },
$ git add . $ git commit -m "add app.psgi and some basic code to show a main page and to give 404 otherwise"

Published on 2015-04-17