Command line phonebook with MongoDB and Moo
MongoDB is an open source NoSQL database. In this example we'll write a small, command line, phonebook. This is a simple example to see how to use MongoDB in Perl.
Before getting started, we'll need to install MongoDB itself and the MongoDB Perl driver
On Ubuntu, it means installing both the mongodb and mongodb-dev packages.
On OSX I used homebrew to install the mongodb server and then I could install the Perl driver using cpanm.
The full example
use 5.010; use Moo; use MooX::Options; use MongoDB (); use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper); option add => (is => 'ro'); option list => (is => 'ro'); option name => (is => 'ro', format => 's'); option phone => (is => 'ro', format => 's'); sub run { my ($self) = @_; my $client = MongoDB::MongoClient->new(host => 'localhost', port => 27017); my $db = $client->get_database( 'phonebook' ); my $people_coll = $db->get_collection('people'); say 'Processing ...'; if ($self->add) { $people_coll->insert( { name => $self->name, phone => $self->phone, }); } elsif ($self->list) { my %query; if ($self->name) { $query{name} = $self->name; } if ($self->phone) { $query{phone} = $self->phone; } my $people = $people_coll->find(\%query); while (my $p = $people->next) { printf "%s %s\n", $p->{name}, $p->{phone}; } } else { die "Missing --add or --list"; } } main->new_with_options->run;
The command line part
We are using the same technique explained in the article about command line scripts using Moo:
We turn the whole script into a Moo-based class by use Moo; Load use MooX::Options; to allow us to declare options and we declare 4 optional attributes. Two of them can accept strings: format => 's' the other two are boolean options. (aka. flags).
The call to main->new_with_options->run; processes the options and then calls the run method.
Inside the run method we'll have access to the values provide by the user on the command line.
Basically we expect to have two types of actions here:
Adding a new person:
perl --add --name 'Foo Bar' --phone 1234
Listing all the people
perl --list
Listing specific people:
perl --list --name Foo
use 5.010; use Moo; use MooX::Options; use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper); option add => (is => 'ro'); option list => (is => 'ro'); option name => (is => 'ro', format => 's'); option phone => (is => 'ro', format => 's'); sub run { my ($self) = @_; say $self->name; say $self->phone; } main->new_with_options->run;
Setting up a MongoDB database
Besides making sure the MongoDB server runs, and that we can connect to it, there is not much to do in order to create a database:
use MongoDB (); my $client = MongoDB::MongoClient->new(host => 'localhost', port => 27017); my $db = $client->get_database( 'phonebook' ); my $people_coll = $db->get_collection('people');
After loading the MongoDB driver with use MongoDB (); we can connect to a running server using the new constructor of the MongoDB::MongoClient module.
By default no authentication is required.
Then we fetch our database by providing its name: my $db = $client->get_database( 'phonebook' );
There is no need to create the database. Basically the first time we add some data to it, the database will spring to existence. Just like the autovivification in Perl.
The last step in this example is to fetch the object representing the collection that will actually hold the list of people: my $people_coll = $db->get_collection('people');
A collection in MongoDB is similar to a table in an SQL database.
In this case too, we don't need to make any special preparations. Once we add the first entry, the collection will be created.
Inserting a document
If the user supplied the --add flag we take all the other data (in our case that is the name and the phone), create a hash reference and pass it to the insert method. No need to declare how the table looks like. In fact the entries don't even need to have the same content.
if ($self->add) { $people_coll->insert( { name => $self->name, phone => $self->phone, });
In our example we have not checked if the user has supplied the necessary values and we don't check if the same name or the same phone number already exists in the database.
Listing the values
} elsif ($self->list) { my %query; if ($self->name) { $query{name} = $self->name; } if ($self->phone) { $query{phone} = $self->phone; } my $people = $people_coll->find(\%query); while (my $p = $people->next) { printf "%s %s\n", $p->{name}, $p->{phone}; }
When the user supplied the --list flag we build a query, which is basically just a hash and then call the find method.
This is how we build the query:
my %query; if ($self->name) { $query{name} = $self->name; } if ($self->phone) { $query{phone} = $self->phone; }
The find method will return an iterable object. This means we can call the next method on the object and it will return the data entries one by one. When it exhausted all the answers it will return undef. The data entries returned by the next call are the same hash references we supplied to the insert method.
my $people = $people_coll->find(\%query); while (my $p = $people->next) { printf "%s %s\n", $p->{name}, $p->{phone}; }
That's it. We can now use the the basics of MongoDB.

Published on 2015-05-13