What is autovivification?
Autovivification is both a wonderful blessing and a curse in Perl. It eliminates a lot of code required when initializing deep data structures, but if you come from a very strict world it can freak you out at first.
Or make you wonder how could you live without it.
The word autovivification itself comes from the word vivify which means to bring to life.
The simple cases for hashes
The simplest form of autovivification is when you have a hash and you set a value of a key that did not exist before.
use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper); my %phone_of; print Dumper \%phone_of; $phone_of{Foo} = '123-456'; print Dumper \%phone_of;
$VAR1 = {}; $VAR1 = { 'Foo' => '123-456' };
As a Perl programmer this does not surprise you any more.
Even if you have a reference to a hash:
use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper); my $phone_of; print Dumper $phone_of; $phone_of->{Foo} = '123-456'; print Dumper $phone_of;
A slightly more surprising version of this is when we use the auto-increment operator ++ on a hash element that did not exist before.
use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper); my %counter; print Dumper \%counter; $counter{Foo}++; print Dumper \%counter;
$VAR1 = {}; $VAR1 = { 'Foo' => 1 };
Perl treats the nonexistent value as undef. When undef is used in a numerical operation it acts as if it were 0. In most cases this would generate a use of uninitialized value" warning, but specifically in the auto-increment operation it works without complaining.
The resulting value is then assigned back to the hash, creating the key.
The simple cases for arrays
In the case of an array, if you assign a value to a nonexistent element, or use auto-increment on such an element, Perl will automatically enlarge the array creating all the elements up to the required index, and assigning undef to each intermediate element.
use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper); my @counter; print Dumper \@counter; $counter[1] = 20; $counter[3]++; print Dumper \@counter;
The output looks like this:
$VAR1 = []; $VAR1 = [ undef, 20, undef, 1 ];
This means writing $counter[1_000_000]++; will enlarge the array to have a million elements with almost all of them being undef. Such a sparse array is a huge waste of memory. In such cases a hash would be probably a better data structure to use.
Complex data structures
Autovivification starts to be really interesting in deep data structures. Even when creating a two dimensional hash, you can just write $people{Foo}{phone} = '123-456'; and Perl will create the internal hash for the 'Foo' key:
use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper); my %people; print Dumper \%people; $people{Foo}{phone} = '123-456'; print Dumper \%people;
Resulting in
$VAR1 = {}; $VAR1 = { 'Foo' => { 'phone' => '123-456' } };
This is a good thing as you don't have to explicitly create the internal hash.
It even works on undefined scalars:
use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper); my $people; print Dumper $people; $people->{Foo}{phone} = '123-456'; print Dumper $people;
When we created the $people scalar, Perl did not yet know that it will become a reference to a hash. As you can see from the following printout, it was still just an undef:
$VAR1 = undef; $VAR1 = { 'Foo' => { 'phone' => '123-456' } };
Once we used it as a reference to a hash, it autovivified to be a reference to a hash.
The same would happen if we used it as a reference to an array but, if we try to do one after the other:
use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper); my $people; print Dumper $people; $people->{Foo}{phone} = '123-456'; print Dumper $people; $people->[0] = 23; print Dumper $people;
We will get an exception.
$VAR1 = undef; $VAR1 = { 'Foo' => { 'phone' => '123-456' } }; Not an ARRAY reference at autovivification.pl line 12.
Once $people became a reference to a hash, it will not automatically turn into being a reference to an array. This of course is a good thing as it can help us avoid some really erroneous code.
autovivification and accessing elements
As you might see the autovivification described above can save quite a lot of typing. It also seems quite logical even if surprising at first.
Unfortunately there are other cases when it is mostly surprising and not that logical.
use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper); my %people; print Dumper \%people; if (exists $people{Foo}{phone}) { print "Good, Foo might have a phone\n"; } else { print "Foo has no phone\n"; } print Dumper \%people;
In this case we don't assign any value to the hash, we just check if one of the internal values (the phone of Foo) exists. It does not exist (Foo has not phone), but the internal hash was created by this operation:
$VAR1 = {}; Foo has no phone $VAR1 = { 'Foo' => {} };
This is quite unfortunate.
This means we have changed the state of the %people has just by observing it.
autovivification and deleting elements
It looks even worse if we are trying to delete an element that does not exist:
use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper); my %people; print Dumper \%people; delete $people{Foo}{phone}; print Dumper \%people;
The result is:
$VAR1 = {}; $VAR1 = { 'Foo' => {} };
In an attempt to reach the element that needs to be deleted, Perl created the internal hash of 'Foo'.
A bug
I think these undesirable cases are now generally considered to be a bug in Perl. Unfortunately it is very unlikely that this bug will be fixed in Perl 5 as there is a lot of code out in the wild (both on CPAN and in companies) that rely on this behavior. Correcting the behavior would break a lot of code.
The way to avoid this is simple, it is "just" more typing:
use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper); my %people; print Dumper \%people; if (exists $people{Bar}) { if ($people{Bar}{phone}) { print "Check Bar...\n"; } } if (exists $people{Foo}) { delete $people{Foo}{phone}; } print Dumper \%people;
If we first check if the key to the outer hash exists and only then check the phone number, or try to delete it, the element will not be created.
This will keep the outer hash clean:
$VAR1 = {}; $VAR1 = {};
no autovification
As an alternative, there is a pragma on CPAN called autovivification that can turn off the bad effects in a lexical scope (within a pair of curly braces), but it is not widely used:
use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper); my %people; print Dumper \%people; delete $people{Foo}{phone}; { #no autovivification; delete $people{Bar}{phone}; } print Dumper \%people;
Running the above code will have the undesired effect for both 'Foo' and 'Bar':
$VAR1 = {}; $VAR1 = { 'Bar' => {}, 'Foo' => {} };
If you remove the # and run the script again the undesired effect is gone:
$VAR1 = {}; $VAR1 = { 'Foo' => {} };
Autovivification is a good thing but we need to be careful we don't create unnecessary elements while trying to check (or delete) internal elements.
At least now we know why were they created.
Well explained, Gabor!
This nested condition: if (exists $people{Bar}) { if ($people{Bar}{phone}) { print "Check Bar...\n"; could more safely be written like this: if (exists $people{Bar}) { if (exists $people{Bar}{phone}) { # I added 'exists ' here. print "Check Bar...\n"; in case $people{Bar}{phone} contains some false value like 0. But the nested condition could also be simplified to this: if (exists $people{Bar} and exists $people{Bar}{Phone}) { because the 2nd part of the condition will be tested only if the 1st part evaluates to true.
And a minor typo - "As an alternatively" should read "As an alternative".
Thanks Gabor.
I have some issues as mentioned below.Can you please help I have arrays which has below format key1->key2->key3->value key1->key2->value key1->value .... .. There can be multiple arrays with unique value.Now when i try to create nested hash and json then i get the error :Not a HASH reference at createjson.pl at line $ref = \$$ref->{ $_ } foreach @_;
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dumper;
#Checking whether JSON perl module is installed or not is_JSON();
my @lines = `find . -name *.txt|xargs grep -R 'TEST-TAG ='`; my $hash; my %jdata; ##pattern of TEST-TAG is "/*TEST-TAG = Half_Pre_Float-Point->fma->hfma2_mma*/" or /*TEST-TAG = Half_Pre_Float-Point->fma*/
foreach (@lines) { my($all_cat) = $_ =~ /\=(.*)\*\//; my($testname) = $_ =~ /\/.*\/(.*)\./; if(!$all_cat eq ""){ $all_cat =~ s/ //g; my @ts = split(',', $all_cat); my $i; foreach (@ts){ my @allfeat = split('->',$_); my $count = scalar @allfeat; for($i = 0; $i<$count; $i++){ my @temparr = @allfeat[$i..$count-1]; push @temparr, $testname; ToNestedHash($hash, @temparr); } } } } %jdata = (%jdata, %$hash);
my $json = JSON::XS->new->utf8->pretty(1); my $file_category = "./category.json"; open my $fth, ">", $file_category or die "Failed to open $file_category: $!.\nPlease open it with p4 edit and retry"; print $fth $json->encode(\%jdata); close $fth;
#add the value in nested hash. sub ToNestedHash { my $ref = \shift; my $h = $$ref; my $value = pop; $ref = \$$ref->{ $_ } foreach @_; if(!isinlist(\@{$$ref},$value)){ push @{$$ref}, $value; } return $h; }
# If element exists in the list sub isinlist { my ($aref, $key) = ($_[0], $_[1]); foreach my $elem (@$aref){ if ($elem eq $key) { return 1;}} return 0; }
This expression: \$$ref->{ $_ } is really confusing. Could you simplify it? What is in $ref ?
I'd add a print statement in front of that line to see what is in there. That might help to understand the problem. I'd also change the name to reflect the content not the type of the content that I think it has. (That seems to be incorrect anyway). Finally, I'd use File::Find or some more fun Perl module instead of external find and xargs.
Sure. explanation is here for subroutine ToNestedHash Take the first value as a hashref Take the last value as the value to be assigned The rest are keys. Then create a SCALAR reference to the base hash. Repeatedly: Dereference the pointer to get the hash (first time) or autovivify the pointer as a hash Get the hash slot for the key And assign the scalar reference to the hash slot. ( Next time around this will autovivify to the indicated hash ).
I had added print statements and have same question here https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54070085/perl-not-a-hash-reference-while-creating-nested-hash-from-multi-dimension-array
BTW i was going through your another article https://perlmaven.com/multi-dimensional-hashes and issue is similar to Foo Bar, Programming: ARRAY(0x7fc409028508)
I have around 20 arrays with below data.1-19 arrays has the same keys till dmma_simple and their values are different. 20th array has this content "MMA->Dmma->dmma_simple->dmma_complex-->value20" i.e. dmma_simple key now has the another key as well dmma_complex along with array of values.How to store such data?
so the output is 'MMA' => { 'Dmma' => { 'dmma_simple' => [ 'value1' 'value2' ... till 'value 19' ] } }, These are the arrays: MMA->Dmma->dmma_simple->value1 MMA->Dmma->dmma_simple->value2 ... MMA->Dmma->dmma_simple->dmma_complex-->value20
some keys e.g. dmma_simple has values mentioned in array and sub keys e.g. dmma_complex as well.So when program comes to key dmma_complex,it see dmma_simple is ARRAY and not hash hence gives error.How to solve this scenatio?
Below is the output of this code. foreach my $i (@_) { print " before INDEX $i\n"; print Dumper($ref); $ref =\$$ref->{$i}; print "after INDEX $i\n"; print Dumper($ref); }
before INDEX dmma_simple $VAR1 = \{ 'dmma_simple' => [ 'dmma_884_row_col_aShared_bGlobal_cGeneric_rz', 'dmma_884_row_col_aGlobal_bShared_cGeneric_rz', 'dmma_884_row_col_aGeneric_bShared_cGlobal_rn' ] }; after INDEX dmma_simple $VAR1 = \[ 'dmma_884_row_col_aShared_bGlobal_cGeneric_rz', 'dmma_884_row_col_aGlobal_bShared_cGeneric_rz', 'dmma_884_row_col_aGeneric_bShared_cGlobal_rn' ]; before INDEX dmma_complex $VAR1 = \[ 'dmma_884_row_col_aShared_bGlobal_cGeneric_rz', 'dmma_884_row_col_aGlobal_bShared_cGeneric_rz', 'dmma_884_row_col_aGeneric_bShared_cGlobal_rn' ]; Not a HASH reference at createjson.pl line 81.

Published on 2015-01-21