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How to remove, copy or rename a file with Perl
CPAN Digger explained
Add some acceptance tests using
Adding list of contributors to the CPAN META files
How to add the license field to the META.yml and META.json files on CPAN?
How to convince Meta CPAN to show a link to the version control system of a distribution?
New on CPAN - week ending on 2017-08-27
9: Neil Bowers - PAUSE and CPAN admin
CPAN Digger and the Hacktoberfest
Contributing to a Perl module on CPAN (using vim and GitHub)
Get CPANstats from MetaCPAN using cron
Becoming a co-maintainer of a CPAN-module
Becoming a co-maintainer of a CPAN-module - the first steps (Pod::Tree 1.17_01, 1.18)
How to compare version numbers in Perl and for CPAN modules
Fix the documentation of the MetaCPAN::Client
Testing a simple TCP/IP server using Net::Telnet
New on CPAN - week ending on 2017-08-20
Installing a Perl Module from CPAN on Windows, Linux and Mac OSX
Create the look and feel