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Marpa for building parsers - a first look
Creating Makefile.PL and a CPAN distribution for the Markua Parser
Generate test expectations for the Markua parser
Start writing the Markua parser in Perl
Add more tests to the Markua parser
Add test coverage reporting with Coveralls to Markua Parser in Perl
Test coverage report with Devel::Cover for the Markua Parser
Travis-CI for the Markua Parser project
4: Tadeusz SoĊnierz author of the Perl 6 Pod Parser and Panda, the Perl 6 module installer
Enable Appveyor (CI on Windows) for the Perl 5 Markua Parser
Implementing a Markua Parser in Perl 5
Refactor test cases of the Markua Parser in Perl 5
Release the Markua::Parser to CPAN