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One-liner: Remove first two characters of every line
Perl developer jobs
Perl Arrays
Scalar and List context in Perl, the size of an array
Perl based open source products
DWIM Perl for Linux; $^X vs $Config{perlpath}; Relocatable Perl; Test::Differences
Download and install Perl
Getting started with Perl Dancer - Creating an Echo application
Installing a Perl Module from CPAN on Windows, Linux and Mac OSX
How To Use TheSchwartz Perl Module
How To Use TheSchwartz Perl Module (Part 2)
Getting started with Perl Dancer on Digital Ocean
Immediate writing to file - flushing in Perl without buffering
Logical Operators in Perl - video
Manipulating Perl arrays: shift, unshift, push, pop
Hashes in Perl
How to sort a hash in Perl?
Perl Hash
How to create a Perl Module for code reuse?
Editors and IDEs for Perl developers - video