Simple CGI Perl script to send form by e-mail
While there are a lot of other, better ways to handle this, unfortunately I see many people struggling with old Perl code where they cannot use the modern approaches.
In many cases they cannot even use new modules from CPAN.
Just recently someone sent me a horrific CGI script, asking me how could he capture the fields of an HTML form and send a mail message through Perl.
At this point I won't go into refactoring that code. I just show a simple example, how to process a web form and send the values via e-mail.
Processing the HTML form using CGI
Here is a very simple HTML page with a form. The form has 3 fields. a text field called fullname, a selector called country, and a textarea called question.
I assume you already understand this part.
What might be new, are the parameters of the form itself. The action is the URL to the CGI script. The method can be either GET or POST. For our purposes the difference is, that in the case of GET, the values will be shown in he address-bar of your browser while in the case of POST they will be hidden.
We use POST in this example.
<html> <head><title>Submit form</title> </head> <body> <form action="/cgi/" method="POST"> Full name: <input name="fullname"><br> Country: <select name="country"> <option></option> <option value="usa">USA</option> <option value="russia">Russia</option> </select><br> Question: <textarea name="question"></textarea><br> <input type="submit" value="Send mail"> </form> </body> </html>
The first Perl CGI script we see will only process the form and echo back the results.
#!/usr/bin/perl -T use strict; use warnings; use 5.008; use Data::Dumper; use CGI; my $q = CGI->new; my %data; $data{fullname} = $q->param('fullname'); $data{country} = $q->param('country'); $data{question} = $q->param('question'); print $q->header; if ($data{fullname} !~ /^[\s\w.-]+$/) { print "Name must contain only alphanumerics, spaces, dots and dashes."; exit; } print "response " . Dumper \%data;
Let's see the CGI part:
use CGI; loads the CGI module and we create a new CGI object called $q.
It has two purposes. One, is to fetch the parameters from the submitted form, the other is to print out the HTTP header.
Printing the header
Printing the header is done by the print $q->header; line. That is equivalent to print "Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\n\n"; we saw in another example.
Fetching submitted values
The param method of the CGI object gets the fullname of the field as a parameter and returns the submitted value. We call it 3 times for the 3 fields in the form. We could have assigned the values to separate scalar variables ($fullname, $country, $question), but having them in a single hash makes it easier to handle them later on. We could have used the Vars method, but in this case I wanted to be explicit with the field names.
The following 4 lines, declare the hash and then fill it with values received via the form.
my %data; $data{fullname} = $q->param('fullname'); $data{country} = $q->param('country'); $data{question} = $q->param('question');
The next step is printing the HTTP header, that has to be done for any kind of response we would like to send to the browser.
Then we start the input validation.
I only show here one example, but in your case you'd probably want to make sure each field received only acceptable values.
if ($data{fullname} !~ /^[\s\w.-]+$/) { print "Name must contain only alphanumerics, spaces, dots and dashes."; exit; }
In this code we make sure the fullname field only contains alphanumerics, spaces, dots and dashes. Too limit for an international company that needs to accept Unicode characters, but probably good as a simple example. In case the validation fails we print an error message, that will show up in the browser and exit the CGI script. We don't want the rest of the code to execute.
The last step in this part of the code is to print the contents of the %data hash to send it back to the browser. We do this only to verify we managed to capture the values as they were submitted.
Validation in JavaScript?
It is nice to provide this validation in some JavaScript that comes with the form. That can improve usability, but it does NOT provide the necessary protection to your code and server. You have to validate the data
Sending the e-mail
A warning before we go on:
While this script works, I'd only recommend this as a last resort. If you can use CPAN, there are much better ways to handle the e-mail sending part.
Security: Taint mode
You might have noticed, the first line of the form processing code, the sh-bang line ended with -T. This flag is called the Taint mode. It helps you make your code more secure by restricting certain operations. For example, the e-mail sending code executes an external program. As we cannot fully trust the environment variables, the taint mode requires us to set the PATH environment variable by ourselves. As we don't really need it for our script, we just set it to nothing: $ENV{PATH} = '';.
$ENV{PATH} = ''; sendmail( 'Target <>', 'hello world', 'submitted: ' . Dumper(\%data), 'Source <>'); sub sendmail { my ($tofield, $subject, $text, $fromfield) = @_; my $mailprog = "/usr/lib/sendmail"; open my $ph, '|-', "$mailprog -t -oi" or die $!; print $ph "To: $tofield\n"; print $ph "From: $fromfield\n"; print $ph "Reply-To: $fromfield\n"; print $ph "Subject: $subject\n"; print $ph "\n"; print $ph "$text"; close $ph; return ; }
In this part of the script we are using some ancient technique to send e-mail. It only works on Unix/Linux systems that have a working sendmail or equivalent.
The actual sending is enclosed in a subroutine that gets 4 parameters.
- The address where we want to send to.
- The subject line.
- The content of the e-mail.
- The From field.
Inside the subroutine we open a process handle to the sendmail command and hand it some parameters. The process handle ($ph in this case) behaves just like a regular file-handle that was open for writing. You can print to it text that will appear on the standard input of the "other program". In this case the "other program" is the systems sendmail program.
When we call close $ph the e-mail is injected in the regular mail queue of the system and is scheduled to be sent out with all the other messages. This usually means within a few seconds the system will try to deliver your e-mail.
Another Warning
Do not use the above script in an environment where anyone can supply the fields in the e-mail header: To, From, Reply-To, Subject in this case. This can create an open mail relay, that can be used to send spam.
Thanks Gabor. You have no idea how many of your articles I have read to help me with my perl projects. Regards.
Hi, I want to do something similar to your article. I want to display "Thanks for your submission" after submitting input by the user and simultaneously execute the cgi script. How can I do that?

Published on 2012-08-10