AUTOLOAD - handling Undefined subroutines
Normally, if you call a function that does not exist perl will throw an exception Undefined subroutine ... called, however, unlike in most of the other languages you can define a default function to be called, instead of throwing that exception. This can give us all kinds of interesting solutions.
Unlike Java, C and similar languages, Perl cannot know at compile time if a function is going to exist when it is called. Well, actually Perl cannot even know which functions are going to be called in a given piece of code. Anyway this means that at run time it might happen that a none-existent function is called. In such cases normally Perl will die.
Let's see a simple, and not very interesting example:
use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; use Data::Dumper; say 'Hi'; welcome('Foo', 'Bar'); say 'Bye';
If we run this script, we'll see the following output:
Hi Undefined subroutine &main::welcome called at line 7.
We can see here that the statement before calling the welcome() function was executed, but the statement after the function call not. The call to a non-existent function got perl to throw an exception.
AUTOLOAD in the script
Let's change that script and add a subroutine called AUTOLOAD to it.
use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; use Data::Dumper; say 'Hi'; welcome('Foo', 'Bar'); say 'Bye'; sub AUTOLOAD { our $AUTOLOAD; say $AUTOLOAD; say Dumper \@_; }
Actually the entry could be written either as sub AUTOLOAD { ... }, but as a special case, we could also leave out the sub keyword and write only AUTOLOAD { ... }.
In any case, if we run this script now, we are going to see the following output:
Hi main::welcome $VAR1 = [ 'Foo', 'Bar' ]; Bye
Here we can see the output of both say statements, the one before and the one after the call to the welcome() function. In between we can see the output of the AUTOLOAD function which includes the content of the $AUTOLOAD variable which is the name of the function that was called, and the content of @_ which is the list of parameters the user passed to the welcome function. This is exactly the same content as welcome() would have seen, if it existed.
The $AUTOLOAD variable is a bit strange. We need to declare it or we will get a Global symbol "$AUTOLOAD" requires explicit package name error, but we need to declare it using our and not by using my in order to let perl fill it.
Then the content of this variable is the "fully-qualified name" of the function that was called, meaning that it also includes the namespace of the function. In our case, because the function was supposed to be in the main script we executed, the namespace is main. Hence $AUTOLOAD contains main::welcome.
In a nutshell: If during the execution of a script perl encounters a call to a function that does not exist, it checks if there is a function called AUTOLOAD, and executes that function passing the exact same parameters and setting the variable $AUTOLOAD to the fully qualified name of the function.
AUTOLOAD in object oriented code
To further understand the process. If a method "foo" is called on an object. Perl will first try to locate the method in the package where the object was blessed into. If not found it will traverse the inheritance tree of the class to look for the "foo" method. If it still does not find the method it will check if there is an AUTOLOAD method. It will employ the same algorithm to locate the first AUTOLOAD as it did with the name of the method. If no AUTOLOAD found in any of the parent classes only then will perl throw an exception.
The script:
use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; use Greeting; my $g = Greeting->new; say 'Hi'; $g->welcome('Foo', 'Bar'); say 'Bye';
The module that employs AUTOLOAD using classic OOP:
package Greeting; use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; use Data::Dumper; sub new { my ($class) = @_; return bless {}, $class; } sub AUTOLOAD { our $AUTOLOAD; say $AUTOLOAD; say Dumper \@_; } 1;
And the output of running perl
Hi Greeting::welcome $VAR1 = [ bless( {}, 'Greeting' ), 'Foo', 'Bar' ]; Bye
In this case the variable $AUTOLOAD contains Greeting::welcome, because the function that was supposed to be called was caught by the AUTOLOAD in the Greeting module. The content of @_ is slightly different too. The first parameter is the object that was stored in the $g variable in the script, just as it would happen with the welcome method if it was implemented in the Greeting class.
In Object Oriented code the AUTOLOAD function would probably written like this:
sub AUTOLOAD { my ($self, @params) = @_; ... }
assigning the current instant to the variable called $self.
AUTOLOAD use-cases
Instead of creating subroutines when the script is started, we could employ AUTOLOAD to capture the call to these optional functions. Check if the function that was called is one of the expected function
When writing an application we can write the skeleton of the algorithm calling various functions. Instead of slowing down our thinking about the main code, by implementing those functions, we can use a catch-all AUTOLOAD to print out the names of the functions being called and letting us execute our code.
This can be especially useful in a GUI application where someone creates the GUI and designates event handlers for various events without implementing them first. Then if we try to demo the application it would crash on every user-action. Instead of that we can add a catch-all AUTOLOAD that will display a pop-up "Not yet implemented", or silently ignore the user action. Once the demo is done we can start implementing the event handles one-by-one.
use strict or warnings?
Although we have linked this article from the Common Warnings and Error messages in Perl page, and we use both use strict and use warnings in the examples as it is a recommended best practice in Perl, this error has nothing to do with either of those.
If Autoload calls a function in a different package, what namespace is it executed in? I want to avoid repeating a "decode" function in 10 modules by putting it into a common module. Each of the 10 modules has the same variable names, I want the decode function to use the current package variables.
Show your code please!
How about some discussion regarding the Symbol Table somewhere, Gabor? I often 'overload' the Autoload method and stick it into the Symbol Table so no subsequent lookups are made for the Autoload method. The following is a definition of AUTOLOAD and DESTROY where AUTOLOAD is used to handle any get_x() calls regarding the object in question and the Symbol Table for the AUTOLOAD namespace is redirected to the 'private' _accessible() method.
sub new { my $class = shift; my ($pre, $match, $post, $result) = splice @_, -4; bless { _pre => $pre, _match => $match, _post => $post, _result => $result, _subpatterns => [@_] }, ref($class) || $class; sub _accessible() { exists $_[0]->{$1} } }
use vars '$AUTOLOAD', '$DESTROY';
sub AUTOLOAD { no strict "refs"; my ($self) = @_;
# was it a 'get()' call? is the attribute accessible? if ($AUTOLOAD =~ /.*::get(_\w+)/ and $self->_accessible($1) ) { # get locally scoped, scalar copy ($attr_name) of $1 my $attr_name = $1; # can't use '$self' in 'sub' return call, since # it's outside the scope of subsequent 'get' calls; # the first 'get' call would work as expected, but # subsequent 'get' calls use the changed symbol table's # anonymous sub-routine # # cram the anonymous sub-routine into the symbol # table, use it after the first call to a 'get_xxx()' method *$AUTOLOAD = sub { return $_[0]->{$attr_name} }; return $self->{$attr_name}; } return "Match::AUTOLOAD : Not a 'get' call or attribute doesn't exist."; }

Published on 2015-10-07