Add and retrieve elements - jQuery + Ajax
In the previous article we have implemented the Dancer routes to Add item to MongoDB and retrieve them. We can now add the front-end code using HTML, jQuery and Ajax calls.
HTML form and div
The first thing was to add a new HTML form to client/v2.html that will be used to enter new items. This is actually identical in structure to the form we already had: it has a text input box and a submit button. We also added a new div element we are going to fill with the list of elements fetched from the database.
<hr> <form> <input name="text" id="text"> <input type="submit" id="add-item" value="Add item"> </form> <div id="items"></div>
Showing the items
We will want to show the existing items in two cases. When we load the page first, and after every time we add a new item. (Actually, later we might also want to add the capability to remove an item and we'll want to show the updated list after that too.)
function show_items() { jQuery.get('', function(data) { var i, html; html = '<ul>'; console.log(data); for (i = 0; i < data["items"].length; i++) { html += '<li>' + data["items"][i]["text"] + '</li>'; } html += '</ul>'; $("#items").html(html); }); }
First we send a GET request to the /api/v2/items end-point of the API we have created and tested in the previous article. This looks the same as the GET request we used to fetch the greeting. When the response arrives it will call the function supplied and pass, the already parsed data. We sent a hash reference with a key "items" and a value which is an array of hashes.
In Perl the data structure we sent looked like this:
{ 'items' => [ { '_id' => { '$oid' => '556d6735a11460452f6e7601' }, 'text' => 'First Thing to do' }, { '_id' => { '$oid' => '556d6735a11460452f6e7602' }, 'text' => 'one more' } ] }
In this example we create the HTML manually by concatenating html tags. Later we'll switch to a templating system. For now however we create a variable called html and then we loop through the elements of the array we got via the items key. We use the "text" field to build an unordered list ul.
At the end, once the html is ready, we just inject the HTML in the DOM to the element with the id "items". Just as we did with the greeting at the beginning.
We also need to call the show_items() function somewhere in the document ready call:
$(document).ready(function() { ... show_items(); ... })
So we could now display items if there were any items in the database, and if you'd like to see this working, you could change the tests from the previous episode to use the development database and not to delete the content.
Or you can just go on and add the JavaScript code that will insert a new item:
Add a new item
We need to add this code to the document ready code as we need to make sure the "add-item" element is already loaded in the page before we can attach an action to it. This is the same as we did when we attached a click event handler to the button reversing strings. Here too we grab a the content of the input box, but this time, instead of sending a GET request, we are going to send a POST request. If for no other reasons, because that's what the API of the back-end requires.
A post request is slightly different from a get request. Instead of concatenating the parameters at the end of the URL, we pass them as an additional parameter in the form of a JavaScript object: { text: text }.
The response handler function expects an object (that used to be a hash when it was still in Perl on the server). In he object there is going to be either an "error" or and "ok" key. In the case of the "error" key we'll want to display its content. This allows the back-end to send any error message. If the back-end sent "ok", we grab the content of the "text" field and display it. If you recall, we had the API send back the actual string that was inserted, that should be the same as the string sent by the client, but without the leading and trailing spaces.
Once we are done with this we call the show_items() function that we have seen earlier. It will send a separate Ajax request to fetch the current list of items and display them.
$("#add-item").click(function() { var text = $("#text").val();'', { text: text } , function(data) { console.log(data); if (data["error"]) { $("#msg").html('Error: ' + data["error"]); } if (data["ok"]) { $("#msg").html('Item ' + data["text"] + ' added'); } show_items(); }); return false; });
In order to test the client you'll need to have the server running plackup -R lib/ bin/app.psgi and you'll need to open t/v2.html in your browser.
Further thoughts
There could be a number of other ways to implement this. For example, we could have the the call that inserts the "item" also fetch the current list and send it back immediately. That would save us an Ajax call which means faster response and less load on the server, but then the API is a bit more mixed up. I'd probably not reject this idea, but I'd postpone it till a point when I am convinced this change has a substantial impact on performance. Even then, I'd probably have a separate API call, or would include a parameter in the "item" API call indicating if the user also wants to fetch the list or not.
An even more interesting solution could be to not fetch the list at all, and have the client add the item to the list it keeps. That allows a much more "responsive" application, after all we won't need to wait for the list to arrive and we won't have to rebuild the whole list. The problem might be if there are other users or tools that might update the list on the server. In that case the list in the client might not be in sync with the list on the server. For that case we'll have to implement some kind of notification system so the server can let the client know when something has changed there.

Published on 2016-07-02