Refactoring Dancer 2 app, using before hook
By the end of the reverse echo article we had a Dancer module with 5 routes. Many of them repeating the setting of the headers:
header 'Content-Type' => 'application/json'; header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' => '*';
We can easily eliminate the code duplication and make our code more readable and nicer by employing a before hook
Dancer provides a number of hooks that will be called during the life of a request. Specifically the before hooks will be called before the route is called. We can use it to have common operations. In our case we set the json header for every api call:
header 'Content-Type' => 'application/json';
and we set the Access-Control-Allow-Origin for the v2 API calls. (We still keep around the v1 API and we still want it to work only from pages served by the same server.)
So we can add the following code:
hook before => sub { if (request->path =~ m{^/api/}) { header 'Content-Type' => 'application/json'; } if (request->path =~ m{^/api/v2/}) { header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' => '*'; } };
and we can remove all the other calls to header
After that we run
make test
to check if the tests still pass.
They do.
See also the new version of the lib/D2/ file.
Original code
package D2::Ajax; use Dancer2; our $VERSION = '0.1'; get '/' => sub { template 'index'; }; get '/api/v1/greeting' => sub { header 'Content-Type' => 'application/json'; return to_json { text => 'Hello World' }; }; get '/v1' => sub { return template 'v1'; }; get '/api/v2/greeting' => sub { header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' => '*'; header 'Content-Type' => 'application/json'; return to_json { text => 'Hello World' }; }; get '/api/v2/reverse' => sub { header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' => '*'; header 'Content-Type' => 'application/json'; my $text = param('str'); my $rev = reverse $text; return to_json { text => $rev }; }; true;
After refactoring
package D2::Ajax; use Dancer2; our $VERSION = '0.1'; hook before => sub { if (request->path =~ m{^/api/}) { header 'Content-Type' => 'application/json'; } if (request->path =~ m{^/api/v2/}) { header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' => '*'; } }; get '/' => sub { template 'index'; }; get '/api/v1/greeting' => sub { return to_json { text => 'Hello World' }; }; get '/v1' => sub { return template 'v1'; }; get '/api/v2/greeting' => sub { return to_json { text => 'Hello World' }; }; get '/api/v2/reverse' => sub { my $text = param('str'); my $rev = reverse $text; return to_json { text => $rev }; }; true;

Published on 2016-04-26