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ref - What kind of reference is this variable?
Moo with array reference as attributes - with or without default values
Moo with hash reference as attributes - with or without default values
Eliminate circular reference memory-leak using weaken
Refactoring large test suite - separating data from code
Benchmark: Refactoring MD5 calculation in Rex
Refactoring Perl code
Unique values in an array reference in Perl
Refactoring Dancer 2 app, using before hook
Can't use string (...) as an HASH ref while "strict refs" in use at ...
Refactoring code snippet
How to dereference a reference to a hash or to an array in Perl
Array references in Perl
Creating subroutines on the fly using Symbolic references
Symbolic references in Perl
How to get a slice of an array or an array reference?
Refactor test cases of the Markua Parser in Perl 5
Can't call method ... on unblessed reference
Refactor the tests to use Test::More (Pod::Tree 1.20)