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Comparing scalars in Perl
ne - Comparing if the two sides are NOT equal as strings.
undef - defined - true -false
A bunch of Perl one-liners to edit HTML files
Don't keep generated files in version control
7 of the most useful Perl command line options
Perl on the command line
Perl on the command line (screencast) - video
New on CPAN - week ending on 2017-08-27
How to read a password on the command line?
Perl for loop explained with examples
Generate random numbers in Perl with the rand() function
input must be 8 bytes long at line 58. while using Net::SFTP
Getting started - Create skeleton for the SCO clone application
Create a lexical warning that can be turned on and off with the "warnings" pragma.
Loop controls: next last - video
Loop controls: next, last, continue, break
Command line counter with JSON backend
One-liner sum of column in CSV - video
Can't locate inc/Module/ in @INC (you may need to install the inc::Module::Install module) (@INC contains: ...)