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Comparing scalars in Perl
ne - Comparing if the two sides are NOT equal as strings.
Stand-alone Ajax client and the Access-Control-Allow-Origin issue
8: Chad (Exodist) Granum, author of the Fennec testing tool
Adding GitHub Actions to Test2::Harness::UI
Here documents, or how to create multi-line strings in Perl
A command line counter with database back-end using DBIx::Class
Command line counter with plain text file back-end
Generate Calendar in ICal format
Command line counter in Perl with MongoDB as storage
Command line phonebook with MongoDB and Moo
one-liner: read first elements of a huge directory
Can't use Net::Appliance::Session inside a thread
New on CPAN - week ending on 2017-08-20
New on CPAN - week ending on 2017-08-27
CLI - Command Line Interface in Perl
Command line parameters (screencast) - video
Command line parameters - video
How to process command line arguments in Perl using Getopt::Long