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Perl Tutorial
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Searching for
Checking the whois record of many domains
Get CPANstats from MetaCPAN using cron
How to add a relative directory to @INC
Introducing the Perl Tidy GUI project
Start writing the Markua parser in Perl
Changing @INC relative path - video
Count elements using XML::XPath
use Path::Tiny to read and write file
Get real path (absolute path) from symbolic link (aka. softlink)
Construct the path to a file in the same directory as the current script
use Path::Tiny instead of home-made ReadFile and WriteFile
Exercise: split path - filename/dirname - video
Solution: split path - filename/dirname - video
Get absolute path (aka. canonical path) using abs_path or canonpath
Regex Problem splitting verilog Bit-Blasted pathes
cpan install XML::XPath
DWIM Perl for Linux; $^X vs $Config{perlpath}; Relocatable Perl; Test::Differences