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Single-line regexes using /s - video
Add and retrieve elements - jQuery + Ajax
Checking a GitHub URL for existence
Dancer 1 echo using GET and testing GET
Dancer2: Process GET and POST requests
Set HTTP headers with WWW-Mechanize
Special Literals: __SUB__
Reverse Echo with Ajax and Dancer 2
How to check if a child process is still running in Perl?
Strings in Perl: quoted, interpolated and escaped
Finding files in a directory tree using Perl
How to rename multiple files with one command on Windows, Linux, or Mac?
Indexing e-mails in an mbox
Unix and DOS commands - video
$$, $PROCESS_ID, $PID- The process number of the current script / program / executable.
Avoid (unwanted) bitwise operators
Create Linux user account - video
Regex matching digits