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A test file in Perl
Add and retrieve items - MongoDB, Dancer and Testing!
Dancer 1 echo using POST and testing POST
Skip tests if prerequisites are not installed
How to run the tests of a typical Perl module
2: Michael Schwern on test automation and Git
Introducing test automation with Test::Simple
Moving over to Test::More
Refactoring large test suite - separating data from code
Separating test data from test code
Test plan and test descriptions
Test without a Plan
Testing a simple Perl module
TAP - Test Anything Protocol
Using GitHub Actions (CI) to locate missing test dependencies in Dist::Zilla::PERLSRVDE
Adding GitHub Actions to Test2::Harness::UI
CPAN Testers or CI system?
GitHub Actions CI job for Perl Test::Class - checking downstream dependencies as well
Test diagnostic messages using diag, note, and explain
Moose testing type constraint