How to improve my Perl program?
Once in a while people send me sample code with some problems to fix. Besides fixing the problems I often find myself recommending a few things they can do to quickly improve their Perl code.
Layout - especially indentation
Having a clean layout of the code makes it a lot more readable. It can also help reveal the source of bugs. For example a loop that does not have good indentation will make it unclear where do specific parts belong.
To which foreach loop does the next statement belong here?
foreach my $x (@array1) { foreach my $y (@array2} { } if (cond) { next; } }
This version is much more readable:
foreach my $x (@array1) { foreach my $y (@array2} { } if (cond) { next; } }
While not perfect, Perl::Tidy comes with a command line tool called perltidy that can create a better layout for your program.
Descriptive variable names
What is in @array1 in above example? We know it is an array as it has @ at the beginning. It does not help a lot that it is also called array1. Please try to give names to the variables that describe their content. The actual names will very much depend on the context of the problem but variables such as @users and @server_names might be much better.
The same goes for the loop variables. Instead of $x and $y there could be longer, and more descriptive names.
Don't use $a and $b
As a special case, $a and $b are special variables used by the sort function. Don't use them anywhere else. Not even for short one-off examples! They are just confusing and as they don't require declaration with my they can really mess with the mind of beginners.
(Why does Perl complain about $x not being declared but not about $a...?).
Eliminate $_
Having $_ the topic variable in Perl is awesome, but in general the idea is that you should not write it down. The whole point of a default variable is that you don't have to type it in.
$_ should almost never be seen in code.
Major exceptions are map, grep and similar functions, where unfortunately you can't avoid it.
Anywhere else, if you have to type in $_, probably it is time to create your own variable with its descriptive name.
Always use strict and use warnings
Always use strict and use warnings.
They are your safety net!
Lexical filehandle and 3 argument open
Very old school:
open FH, $filename or die;
Newer school:
open my $fh, '<', $filename or die;
Even newer school:
open my $fh, '<:encoding(UTF-8)', $filename or die;
Cool school:
use Path::Tiny qw(path); my $fh = path($filename)->openr_utf8;
There are other cool ways to use Path::Tiny, but even if for some reason you cannot use Path::Tiny, you can certainly use the one with lexical variable (my $fh) and with 3 parameters.
In any case, please don't open files in the old way.
Direct object notation
This is less of a problem, but it is my pet peeve:
When creating an object from a class write this way (direct object notation):
Module->new(param, param);
instead of the indirect object notation:
new Module(param, param);
Even if the documentation of the module shows the second way.
In most cases they are equivalent, but in every script/application/project/company it is better to write in one way, and then, please, pick the former.
Use Perl::Critic
Perl::Critic is awesome, and I know the guy who wrote it! It comes with a command line tool called perlcritic that gets a filename a input and gives you a list of things you can improve. It is configurable but the default (which is the gentle level 5) is a very good start.
Just run perlcritic or perlcritic lib/My/ and you'll have plenty to improve.
Object Oriented Programming
If your code is written with OOP, using bless, or one of the accessor generators, it might improve your code to move to use Moo or Moose.

Published on 2013-11-26