Using 'like' to test without exact values
When testing a function, the best is if we can test that the function returns exactly what we expected. Unfortunately this is not always possible or worth the effort. For example, what if part of the return value is a timestamp that will be different every time we run the script? We can mock the time to pretend it is some other time of the year, but even that might not work out. If we get a newer machine, the process might run faster and the returned time might not be exactly the same.
So we need to be more flexible with our testing.
Let's take for example this subroutine:
sub last_update { return "This page was last updated at " . DateTime->now; }
If we call this subroutine it will return This page was last updated at 2014-09-23T04:43:44. But it will return it only once at that exact second. (Wow, was I really awake at 4 am, or is this giving me the time in London?)
So test code like this won't work well:
is( last_update(), 'This page was last updated at 2014-09-23T04:43:44', 'last_update' );
Disregard the timestamp
So how can we test if the subroutine returns the correct value? (For the purpose of this example, I've included the last_update function in the test script, but in normal situations that would be in a real module.)
We can use a regular expression to check if the returned string contains the text we expect and we can just disregard the time. We can use the ok() function to check and report if the match was correct, but as we have already learned, there are better tools that will be especially interesting if the test actually fails.
use strict; use warnings; use Test::More tests => 1; use DateTime; diag last_update(); ok( last_update() =~ /^This page was last updated at/, 'last_update' ); sub last_update { return "This page was last updated at " . DateTime->now; }
Using like
The like function provided by Test::More, accepts 3 parameters. The actual returned value. A regular expression created using qr, and the optional name of the test. It will apply regex matching between the first two parameters. It will print ok if there is a match and not ok with some details when there is no match. So we can rewrite the above test case as follows:
like( last_update(), qr/^This page was last updated at/, 'last_update' );
You won't see any difference in the results as the regexes match.
However there is another issue here. In this test we have basically disregarded anything that got returned after the word 'at'. The function might not return a timestamp, or it might return some 4-letter words after the 'at' and we won't catch it with this test.
The middle-ground between exact value that will never succeed, and matching only the prefix that can succeed even when the code behind it is broken, is to use a more specific regex:
like( last_update(), qr/^This page was last updated at \d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\dT\d\d:\d\d:\d\d$/, 'last_update full match');
In this case we only expect a certain format of the timestamp, but we don't care about the specific date.
Full script
use strict; use warnings; use Test::More tests => 3; use DateTime; diag last_update(); ok( last_update() =~ /^This page was last updated at/, 'last_update =~'); like( last_update(), qr/^This page was last updated at/, 'last_update like'); like( last_update(), qr/^This page was last updated at \d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\dT\d\d:\d\d:\d\d$/, 'last_update full match'); sub last_update { return "This page was last updated at " . DateTime->now; }
The output of perl last_update.t:
1..3 # This page was last updated at 2014-09-23T06:10:48 ok 1 - last_update =~ ok 2 - last_update like ok 3 - last_update full match
Displaying errors
So what if someone changes the last_update function to the following:
sub last_update { return "This page was last updated at " . DateTime->now->ymd; }
If we run the test script again we get:
1..3 # This page was last updated at 2014-09-23 ok 1 - last_update =~ ok 2 - last_update like not ok 3 - last_update full match # Failed test 'last_update full match' # at last_update.t line 14. # 'This page was last updated at 2014-09-23' # doesn't match '(?^:^This page was last updated at \d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\dT\d\d:\d\d:\d\d$)' # Looks like you failed 1 test of 3.
The first two test-cases have printed ok as they have both disregarded the time-stamp. The 3rd test will fail and print an interesting diagnosis. It will print the actual string we have passed to like() as the first parameter and the regex we were trying to match.
If you cannot check the exact return value, you don't have to totally disregard part of the result. You can create a regex and use like to check if the return looks similar to what we expected.

Published on 2016-05-27