TAP - Test Anything Protocol
The basic assumption behind TAP - the Test Anything Protocol - is that it is useful to separate the test execution and raw data generation from the test management and reporting.
When using TAP you have a test script or program or whatever you would like to call it, that exercises your application and prints the results to the screen (called a TAP producer).
You also have another tool that can parse this output (called a TAP parser or harness) and generate nice or at least useful reports.
The format of TAP is programming language agnostic.
TAP output examples
A successful one looks like this
1..3 ok 1 - stderr is empty ok 2 ok 3 - foo was added
A failed run looks like this:
1..3 ok 1 - stderr is empty not ok 2 # Failed test at t/add_foo_to_db line 49. # In row 0 # Expected: A1=569.1 # Received: A1=-1.23872428244378e-263 ok 3 - foo was added # Looks like you failed 1 test of 3.
TAP details
The output basically consists of three parts. A header where you declare the planned number of test units:
Then for each test unit (also called assertion in some languages) you print
ok N - name of unit
if the assertion was successful or
not ok N - name of unit
if it failed.
N is a counter that in our case should go from 1 to 42 as declared in the header and "name of unit" is some arbitrary, and optional, text to describe the unit.
Sprinkled throughout this output there can be comments staring with a # sign.
# comments
These lines are used both as comments and as a way to provide details in case of a failure.
The third part of the output is generated only when there was failure, or something that looks like a failure. It is a short summary that is similar to the comments but it gives a summary of what happened. Something like this:
# Looks like you failed 2 test of 42.
So far this was a simplified description on how TAP looks like.
Why is this separation good ?
For this to work we need two entities. TAP producers that can generate TAP output and TAP consumers that can read this output and provide nice reports. Actually we might need three parts as we also need a tool called a harness to run the test scripts. In most current implementations the consumer and the harness are in one tool.
The point is that nothing in the above said anything about the language the TAP producer was written in, nor does it say anything about the language of the TAP parser. They can be in any language. In fact there are TAP producers implemented in several languages including Perl, Python, PHP, Javascript, C and even PgSQL with some more listed on testanything.org
TAP Producers
This will be especially important for applications where several technologies or programming languages are involved.
If you think about a web application it will require HTML, CSS, Javascript, SQL or NoSQL and at least one high-level server side language such as Perl, Python, Ruby or PHP. In some cases even more.
If you think about some networking device, the self-tests of the device running on the device can also generate TAP.
Other systems will have other complexities.
Actually producing TAP output is not too difficult as you only need to print some simple strings. Nevertheless it is nice to wrap it in some testing library so others can reuse it.
TAP Consumers
The default TAP consumer in Perl called Test::Harness is actually a combination of both a harness tool, that can run the test scripts, and a parser that can analyze the TAP output and generate a textual report.
In our case this summary is actually longer than the TAP output and looks like this:
t/add_foo_to_db....1/3 # Failed test at t/add_foo_to_db line 49. # In row 0 # Expected: A1=569.1 # Received: A1=-1.23872428244378e-263 # Looks like you failed 1 test of 3. t/add_foo_to_db.... Dubious, test returned 1 (wstat 256, 0x100) Failed 1/3 subtests Test Summary Report ------------------- t/add_foo_to_db (Wstat: 256 Tests: 3 Failed: 1) Failed test: 2 Non-zero exit status: 1 Files=1, Tests=3, 0 wallclock secs ( 0.01 usr 0.00 sys + 0.11 cusr 0.00 csys = 0.12 CPU) Result: FAIL
In a real situation though, you would have tens or hundreds of test scripts each with tens or hundreds of assertions. In such case the TAP output would be thousands of lines long while the summary created by the harness does not get much longer.
Test::Harness has a command-line tool called prove that allows us to run tests easily.
The nice thing about prove is that you can actually separate the two steps as well. You can run run prove with the -a option and archive your TAP output for later use. That is, prove is now only used to run the tests, it does not actually parse the output.
You can take the output, archive it for later processing. Send it over the network to store it in a remote database and/or generate other types of reports, more pleasing to the eyes. Especially to the eyes of management.
So you could use TAP::Formatter::HTML by Steve Purkis to generate reports like this one
You can also use Smolder by Michael Peters to collect your TAP output and provide historical reports.
As TAP becomes even more widespread, TAP parsers will be written in other languages as well, not only in Perl.

Published on 2013-12-17