Testing sessions by mocking time
How can we test if a system that handles sessions will properly handle timeout? Let's say after successful login, the system needs to let us use it for 60 seconds, but after 60 seconds it has to time out and prompt us for a password. If we want to make sure it really prompts us for a password we have to wait 60 seconds every time we run our tests. What if the requirement is to time out after 1 year?
Clearly we cannot let our test script wait for that. Even 60 seconds is too much.
Instead of that we can ask perl to lie about the time. In other words, we can mock time.
This is MySession.pm. Probably not the best implementation of a session object, but it will work for our purposes.
package MySession; use strict; use warnings; my %SESSION; my $TIMEOUT = 60; sub new { return bless {}, shift; } sub login { my ($self, $username, $pw) = @_; # ... $SESSION{$username} = time; return; } sub logged_in { my ($self, $username) = @_; if ($SESSION{$username} and time - $SESSION{$username} < $TIMEOUT) { return 1; } return 0; } 1;
In order to use it we need to create a session object using the new constructor. Then every "user" will log in by calling the login method and providing credentials in the form of username/password. In this code we don't check the credentials, we just add an entry to the %SESSION hash using the $username as the key and the current time as the value.
Later, on every access our system will call the logged_in method with the username. It will check if the given user has an entry in the %SESSION hash, and if the time passed since then is less than the $TIMEOUT period.
When we use it, this should happen:
use MySession; my $s = MySession->new; $s->login('foo', 'secret'); say $s->logged_in('foo'); # true sleep 61; say $s->logged_in('foo'); # false
We can now write a test script time.t that we put in the same directory where we already have MySession.pm
use strict; use warnings; use FindBin qw($Bin); use lib $Bin; use Test::More; plan tests => 3; use MySession; my $s = MySession->new; $s->login('foo', 'secret'); ok $s->logged_in('foo'), 'foo logged in'; ok !$s->logged_in('bar'), 'bar not logged in'; sleep 61; ok !$s->logged_in('foo'), 'foo not logged in - timeout';
Except that we don't want to wait for 61 seconds for this.
One solution would be to change the value of $TIMEOUT in the MySession.pm module to something low, so the test will only need to wait that short period of time, but in complex system you might not be able to do that.
That's where Test::MockTime comes into play. Even though it is not actually a Test::* module as it does not provide any ok() function to be used in a test. It could have been used in any application if for some reason you'd want to fake time.
The way it works is that at load time it replaces perl's global time() function with a subroutine of its own. Then every time the time() function is called, the module has full control over what is returned. It can return a fixed number, as if time froze on a specific second after the epoch (set_fixed_time); or it can return the real time changed by an offset. (either set_relative_time or set_absolute_time).
We use the function set_relative_time provided by Test::MockTime which can be used to set this offset.
So the two things we need to change here are: adding use Test::MockTime qw(set_relative_time); and replacing the sleep 61; that actually waits for 61 seconds by set_relative_time(61); that just fakes it.
use strict; use warnings; use FindBin qw($Bin); use lib $Bin; use Test::MockTime qw(set_relative_time); use Test::More; plan tests => 3; use MySession; my $s = MySession->new; $s->login('foo', 'secret'); ok $s->logged_in('foo'), 'foo logged in'; ok !$s->logged_in('bar'), 'bar not logged in'; set_relative_time(61); ok !$s->logged_in('foo'), 'foo not logged in - timeout';
Running either version of the test script perl time.t will result in:
1..3 ok 1 - foo logged in ok 2 - bar not logged in ok 3 - foo not logged in - timeout
but in the second case this runs 61 seconds faster.
One important note: the Test::MockTime module must be loaded before the module we are testing is loaded. Otherwise the mocking will have no impact on that module.

Published on 2015-03-22