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Switching in Perl 5.10
The year of 19100
Becoming a co-maintainer of a CPAN-module - the first steps (Pod::Tree 1.17_01, 1.18)
The 19 most important file-system tools in Perl 5
The 11 Most useful Perl sites
Smart Matching in Perl 5.10
What's new in Perl 5.10? say, //, state
New on CPAN - week ending on 2017-08-27
Solution: Hello World part 1 - video
Putting the email in MongoDB - part 1
Have exceeded the maximum number of attempts (1000) to open temp file/dir
New on CPAN - week ending on 2017-08-20
Dancer 1 echo using GET and testing GET
Exploring BDD in Perl - using Test::BDD::Cucumber - part 1
Fixing the release. Twice in a row! (Pod::Tree 1.22 and 1.23)
Dancer2: Exercise 1 - Calculator, Counter
Dancer2: Solution: 1 - Calculator
Dancer2: Solution: 1 - Calculator fixing
Dancer2: Solution: 1 - Counter
Migrating (the Perl Maven site) from Dancer 1 to Dancer2