Perl Maven

Perl tutorials and courses

Modern Perl Web Frameworks

  • Mojolicious light-weight web framework with rainbows and unicorns.
  • Perl Dancer light-weight web framework to rock.
  • Catalyst The MVC web framework of Perl.
  • PSGI/Plack, the low-level superglue between Perl web application frameworks and web servers.
  • CGI, the Common Gateway Interface, for old-school web applications.

Object Oriented Perl

  • OOP, the classic way to write Object Oriented Perl code.
  • Moo, the Minimalist Object Oriented system for Perl.
  • Moose, the 'post modern' Object Oriented system for Perl.

Other Series

Projects and Collections

Code-Maven series

If you are a beginner, or would like to refresh your Perl programming knowledge, you can go over the Perl tutorial or watch the Beginner Perl Maven video course.

If you need to maintain a large piece of software written in Perl by other people in the last 5-10-15 years, that's a challenge. Especially if you did not get proper training in Perl. You are probably limited to a specific and old version of Perl. Check out, the Perl tutorial! You can probably skip the part about installing Perl, but the rest of the tutorial will be relevant for you.

Perl is often used in Test Automation. If you work in this field, or if you'd like to work in this field (it is much more fun to find bugs in other people's code than in yours :), then you can read the Perl tutorial and the series on Test Automation using Perl.

If you build new web applications - either privately or inside a company - you can start by reading the article comparing CGI, mod_perl and PSGI. From there you can go on reading the generic Perl tutorial or the articles on Mojolicious, Perl Dancer, Catalyst, PSGI/Plack, or even CGI, the Common Gateway Interface, for old-school web applications.

In the off chance you are interested in topics other than Perl, especially related to Test Automation, Continuous Integration, Continuous Deployment, DevOps, then you are welcome to check out the list of DevOps related training courses.

Recent Articles

Convert Markdown to HTML

I have lots of documents written in Markdown format and I was looking for a way to convert them to HTML.

Convert Markdown to HTML

The curious case of implicit return

My son works at a company where they analyze source code and report on potential data privacy violations. For this they need to parse source code in various programming languages. He mentioned that one day they might need to support Perl too. I thought about the difficulties in parsing Perl and one case came to my mind was the strange implicit return from a function that Perl has.

Then I also thought that Rust also has some strange ideas. BTW Do you know that I have a new web site called Rust Maven where I write about Rust? Now you know.

Anyway, back to Perl:

The curious case of implicit return

Selectively ignore warnings (turn them off with no warnings)

I recommend always turning warnings on from the beginning of each Perl file.

However sometime we might want to avoid some warnings. We can selectively turn off warnings inside lexical scopes, that is, till the end of the current pair of curly braces.

Selectively ignore warnings (turn them off with no warnings)