Using a queue in Perl
There are various applications where processing a queue is useful.
For example you need to process a deep directory structure where each directory can contain subdirectories.
Maybe you manage a build systems where each unit has a list of prerequisites and you need to traverse the whole dependency tree.
If I want to give a less painful example, you write an interactive application that will handle people who need treatment at the dentist.
In either of these cases a queue can work really nicely.
What is a queue?
A queue is basically a list of items. When new items arrive they are added to the end of the list. When the queue "goes forward", the first item in the list is removed and all the other items "move forward".
There are various standard data structures described in computer sciences. The abstract description of a queue is FIFO - First In First Out. The first who arrived in to the queue will be the first to leave it.
In Perl, a regular array using the push and shift functions can be used to implement a queue. If you need a reminder about those functions check out the article about push and shift.
Let's see an example:
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; my @people = ("Foo", "Bar"); while (@people) { my $next_person = shift @people; print "$next_person\n"; # do something with this person print "Type in the names of more people:"; while (my $new = <STDIN>) { chomp $new; if ($new eq "") { last; } push @people, $new; } print "\n"; }
Here we use the @people array to hold the queue. It starts out with two elements. Then the whole queue processing is inside the while loop. That loop will run as long as there are names in the queue.
In case you wonder, in the condition of the while () loop, the array finds itself in scalar context in which case the array returns its size, the number of elements it holds. If the array is empty this will be 0 which is false. If there are elements in the array the size is a positive integer which is considered true in Perl.
As the first thing inside the loop, we fetch the first element from the queue using the shift function. This is the next person to be treated by the dentist. The next thing we should call is treat($next_person); but for now we just print the name.
Once the treatment is over we can check if there are more people waiting to be added to the queue. We implemented this in another while loop. We wait for the user to type in names one-by-one. We remove the trailing newline, and then check if the input was empty or not. If it was empty, meaning the user pressed ENTER without typing in any name, we call last. That will terminate the internal while loop and reach the print "\n"; line. Then Perl will go back to the beginning of the main while-loop treating the next person. If the user typed in a name, that name will be pushed to the end of the @people array. To the end of the queue. Then, still in the internal loop, we wait for another name to be typed in.
As long as there are more people arriving than we can treat, the queue will grow. If for a while no new people arrive, the process will slowly deal with all the people in the queue. At one point the array will become empty and the main while-loop will finish.
Abstract implementation
The following code is a more abstract version of the same code using functions that we have not implemented here.
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; my @queue = accept_new_to_queue(); while (@queue) { my $next_item = shift @queue; handle_item($next_item); push @queue, accept_new_to_queue() } sub accept_new_to_queue { ... } sub handle_item { ... }
Parallel or Asynchronous processing
The above implementation can work in simple cases, but it has a major problem. Both the accept_new_to_queue() and the handle_item() are blocking. That is, while you are handling an item, no other items can be added to the queue and while waiting for someone to be added to the queue, no item can be handled.
This can be acceptable when processing a directory tree or a list of dependencies, but people would be upset at the dentist if they could not even enter the waiting room while one of the patients is receiving treatment.
For this you need some way of parallel or asynchronous processing so the accept_new_to_queue() and the handle_item can be run "virtually at the same time". I wrote virtually as they don't necessarily need to run in parallel. We just need to perceive it as if they did.
If you have multiple CPUs or at least multiple cores, which is the case in all modern computer, you could theoretically run parts of the code really at the same time. The two major solutions for this is threading and forking. While in many languages threading is the preferred way, in Perl most people will use forking. If you go that way, you should probably take a look at the Parallel::ForkManager module on CPAN.
For asynchronous or even-driven Perl programming, you might want to take a look at POE.
We will see examples for both cases in other articles.

Published on 2013-05-19