Reading the content of a directory
If we would like to know the list of file and other things in a given directory we could use the external ls command, but that would make our code platform dependent - Windows has the dir command for directory listing - and it would create an an unnecessary execution of an outside command. Instead of that Perl provide two alternatives. One of the is called file globbing, and it is usually useful if we are interested in certain subset of files (e.g. all the files with xml extension), the other one is using the manual opendir function with readdir and closedir.
This approach provides a lower level access than file globbing, and thus it is more flexible.
A directory is quite similar to a file, but it has a special structure, and we cannot just "write to it" as we would do with a file. Still, before reading the content of this special thing called "directory" we have to ask the operating system to "open" it. Basically to somehow connect our process to the specific directory. Perl provides the opendir function for this.
It has a slightly strange syntax, similarly to the open function but it only accepts two parameters: the first one is the not-yet defined variable that will hold the directory handle, the second is the relative or absolute path to the directory. Directory handle is quite similar to the file handle we saw when we opened a file. In ancient times people used to use barewords to hold this directory handle, something like DH or DIR. Nowadays we use regular lexical scalar variables, usually declared right in the opendir like in the following example:
opendir my $dh, $dir;
opendir will return true on success, or false on failure setting $! with the actual error message just as open does, so a better construct will be to write the following:
opendir my $dh, $dir or die "Could not open '$dir' for reading: $!\n";
readdir in SCALAR context
Once we have the directory opened we can use the readdir function to read the content of the directory. It can be used either in list or scalar context, just as we were reading from a file in scalar and list context.
In scalar context readdir will always item one, (the 'next') item from the directory. Once we read everything in, it will return undef.
A common way to write it is in a while loop:
while (my $thing = readdir $dh) { say $thing; }
readdir in LIST context
The alternative would be to use readdir in LIST context. For example, to assign it to an array. In that case we might want to iterate over it using a for loop:
my @things = readdir $dh; foreach my $thing (@things) { say $thing; }
The big difference is that in the second example, all the content of the directory is read in the memory in one statement so it uses more memory. This is much less of an issue here than when we reading the content of a file, as the returned list only contains the names of the things in the directory, which is unlikely to be really big.
Even if we have 100,000 files in a directory, and each one of them has a 10 character long name, it still fits in 1Mb memory.
Once we are done reading all the things from the directory we can call closedir to officially shut down the connection between the directory handle and the directory on the disk. We don't have to do this though as perl will do it for us when the variable holding the directory handle goes out of scope.
What things?
You might have wondered why did I use a variable name $thing instead of $filename for the things that readdir returned. The reason is that readdir will return everything one can find in a directory. Those can be filenames, directory names. On Unix/Linux we might have symbolic link and even some other things such as the things in the /dev directory of Unix/Linux.
The names will also include . representing the current directory, and .. representing the parent directory.
As in most cases we are not interested in those we can skip them using the following snippet:
if ($thing eq '.' or $thing eq '..') { next; }
Let's see the full examples:
readdir in SCALAR context
use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; my $dir = shift // '.'; opendir my $dh, $dir or die "Could not open '$dir' for reading '$!'\n"; while (my $thing = readdir $dh) { if ($thing eq '.' or $thing eq '..') { next; } say $thing; } closedir $dh;
readdir in LIST context
use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; my $dir = shift // '.'; opendir my $dh, $dir or die "Could not open '$dir' for reading '$!'\n"; my @things = readdir $dh; foreach my $thing (@things) { if ($thing eq '.' or $thing eq '..') { next; } say $thing; } closedir $dh;
In list context, we might want to employ grep to filter the unwanted values:
use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; my $dir = shift // '.'; opendir my $dh, $dir or die "Could not open '$dir' for reading '$!'\n"; my @things = grep {$_ ne '.' and $_ ne '..'} readdir $dh; foreach my $thing (@things) { say $thing; } closedir $dh;
what does my $dir = shift // '.' mean?
It is setting a default value to be ..
shift, if it is outside of any function and does not have a paramater, will return the first element from @ARGV. That is the first parameter on the command line.
// is the defined-or operator. It will return the value on the left hand side if it is defined. Otherwise it will return the right hand side.
Together this expression says: If there is a value on the command line, put that in $dir. If there is no value on the command line put '.' in $dir that representes the current directory.
what would be te syntax if i want the user to assign the path of the directory
could you explain more detail about why '.' represent the current directory not ./ ??
Because that's how it is defined. AFAIK in most cases they are the same. The trailing slash is optional though in certain shell commands they might behave slightly differently.
Good article. One additional thing I think is important to mention is that the $thing you get from readdir is the name of the item, *not* the full path to the item. So if you want to then pass it to open(), a file test operator, or other things expecting a filename, you need to concatenate it to the directory path you opened ($dir in your example). my $path = "$dir/$thing" is usually sufficient but you can also use File::Spec to be portable. It is very common that people miss this when using readdir to iterate.
In you book do you highlight the differences between Win32/Linux and Mac OSX or is it Windows or Linux centric
Do you have suggestions for adding error handling for the readdir failure in scalar context?
I have been trying to find documentation on how to do error handling for the readdir, but its all a little confusing. I would expect it to be something like:
use strict; use warnings; use 5.010;
my $dir = shift // '.';
local $!; opendir my $dh, $dir or die "Could not open '$dir' for reading '$!'\n"; while (my $thing = readdir $dh) { if($!) { die $!; } say $thing; } closedir $dh;

Published on 2015-04-26